
jiān zhí lǜ shī
  • part-time lawyer;side-bar lawyer
  1. 时薪48.98英镑的兼职律师被证实为是最赚钱的“母亲工作”,紧随其后的是心理学家。

    Being a part-time lawyer , at £ 48.98 an hour , would prove to be the most profitable of the “ mum jobs ” , with psychologist (心理学家) a close second .

  2. 为了计算母亲们从这项劳动中能挣多少钱,报告提出了一些母亲们可以担任的角色,包括管家、兼职律师、私人教练和艺人。

    To calculate just how much mothers would earn from that labour , it suggested some of the roles that mums could take on , including housekeeper , part-time lawyer , personal trainer and entertainer .

  3. 取得律师资格的人员不能脱离本职的,可以担任兼职律师。

    Those who are eligible as lawyers but are unable to leave their present positions to practise law may act as part-time lawyers .

  4. 兼职律师应于次月7日内自行向主管税务机关申报两处或两处以上取得的工资、薪金所得,合并计算缴纳个人所得税。

    The part-time lawyers shall declare the salary and allowance incomes derived from two or more business to the competent tax authorities within seven days in the following month , and calculate the individual income tax on the aggregate amount of income .

  5. 鼓励科学技术人员到职业学校兼职兼课取得律师资格的人员不能脱离本职的,可以担任兼职律师。

    Encourage qualified scientific and technical personnel to join the staff of vocational schools or give courses in them Those who are eligible as lawyers but are unable to leave their present positions to practise law may act as part-time lawyers .

  6. 以兼职方式工作的律师认为,他们经常被埋怨、诬蔑,或是被剥夺晋升的机会。

    Lawyers who work part-time say they are often resented , stigmatised and denied promotion .

  7. (英国)一个在城镇或自冶的市镇充当兼职法官的辩护律师或法律顾问。

    ( British ) a barrister or solicitor who serves as part-time judge in towns or boroughs .