
  • 网络bycatch
  1. BBC纪录片报道兼捕渔获物问题和粮农组织项目

    BBC documentary tackles by-catch issue , features FAO project

  2. “兼捕渔获物是这些人的一个重要收入来源”,Turner解释道,“因此,仅仅向他们传授新技术是不够的。”

    " It represents an important source of income for them ," explains Turner ," so you have to do more than just give them new technology . "

  3. 那里的渔民每天可能只赚1美元,因此往往将兼捕渔获物保留下来&船主允许船员出售兼捕渔获物供加工,以满足人类和水产养殖的消费需求。

    There , fishermen might earn as little as1US $ a day , and by-catch is often not discarded & boat owners let their crews sell it for processing to meet demand for human and aquaculture consumption .