
  • 网络facultative bacteria;facultative anaerobic
  1. 通过厌氧菌筛选实验,我们首次分离到一株具有较强降解能力的兼性厌氧细菌D7-1菌,经鉴定为肠杆菌科,变形菌属。

    In this study the first anaerobic MC-degrading bacterium ( D7-1 ) was isolated and purified , and which was identified as Proteus sp. ( Enterobaceriaceae ) .

  2. 猪链球菌是一个经济上非常重要的革兰氏阳性兼性厌氧细菌,能够引起猪甚至是人类的一些严重的疾病。

    Streptococcus suis is economically a very important Gram-positive and facultative anaerobic bacterium that causes severe diseases in pigs and humans .

  3. 研究了微电解方法对工业循环水中厌氧或兼性厌氧细菌的杀灭作用,结果显示,杀菌率的大小与施加的电流密度和处理时间成正比。

    The Sterilization effect of micro electrolysis process on anaerobic or facultative aerobe microbes in industrial circulating water system was studied under different conditions .

  4. 发现了一种新的、不同于常规涂片法的观察微需氧细菌、兼性厌氧细菌或厌氧细菌形态的制片法。

    A new , different from routine smearing slide-making method was found to observe the morphs of facultative or obligate anaerobic , and micro-aerobic bacteria .

  5. 光合细菌与产气肠杆菌协同产氢特性分析这种方法对于用氢化酶的兼性厌氧细菌或需氧细菌是有效的。

    Characteristic Analysis of Cooperation Hydrogen Production Using Rhodopseudomonas sp. DT and Enterobacter Aerogenes This method is effective to the facultative anaerobic bacteria or aerobic bacteria with hydrogenase .

  6. 在还原过程中,随着好氧细菌、兼性厌氧细菌、硫酸还原菌和甲烷菌的活动,相继形成氨、硝酸根离子、亚铁离子、硫化物、气体物质及有机酸。

    Ammonia and nitrate , ferrous ion , sulfide , various gases and organic acids are sequentially formed , corresponding to the activities of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic bacteria , sulfate reducing bacteria , and methane producing bacteria with the development of reduction reactions .

  7. 结果表明,泥火山可培养细菌的生态策略总体上是随环境温度及营养而变化,兼性寡营养细菌表现较为特殊,部分具有稳定的生态策略,另有部分为r-K策略连续统。

    Results indicate that mud volcanoes cultivate bacterial ecological strategies were generally varied with the environment temperature and nutrient condition . However , the facultative oligotrophic bacteria behaved unique , some with a steady ecology strategy , while others were r-K continuum of strategies .