
jiān zhí jiào shòu
  • part-time professor
  1. 她是一位兼职教授。

    She is a part-time professor .

  2. 本文作者是英国央行临时金融政策委员会委员、伦敦商学院(londonbusinessschool)兼职教授。

    The writer is a member of the Interim Financial Policy Committee of the Bank of England and adjunct professor at London Business School .

  3. 本文作者是美国乔治城大学麦克多诺商学院兼职教授、16所商学院联盟华盛顿校区(WashingtonCampus)讲师。

    The writer is an adjunct professor at Georgetown 's McDonough School of Business and a lecturer at the Washington Campus , a consortium of 16 business schools .

  4. 企业顾问、凯斯西储大学(CaseWesternReserveUniversity)兼职教授斯蒂芬・里奥祖(StephanLiozu)说,重新进行组织规划、以便让管理者们少花精力在日常事务上这一步非常重要,但也许要经历数月或数年才能完成。

    Reorganizations that allow executives to focus less on day-to-day tasks are crucial but can take months or years , says Stephan Liozu , a corporate consultant and adjunct professor at Case Western Reserve University .

  5. 系中国作家协会会员,世界诗人协会(WCP)会员,安徽大学兼职教授,滁州学院客座教授。

    He is a member of China Writers'Association , of World Congress of Poets ( WCP ), and a guest professor of Anhui University and College of Chuzhou .

  6. 换言之,他们可能只是兼职教授或客座教授。

    Instead , they might be in adjunct or visiting positions .

  7. 在这里的平克尔屯学院兼职教授英语文学。

    Starts part-time position teaching English literature at Pinkerton Academy in Derry .

  8. 此外,他有40名左右的教师是高级管理人员、专业人员或兼职教授。

    In addition he has around 40 teachers who are executives , practitioners or adjuncts .

  9. 他表示,兼职教授没有时间投入长期性的规划。

    Adjunct professors don 't have the time to commit to something long-term , he says .

  10. 兼职教授没有时间或者不能在课外帮助学生。

    They say adjuncts do not have the time or support to help students outside class .

  11. 目前冷宏任上海大学艺术学院的兼职教授。

    Leng Hong is currently a Pluralistic Professor at the Fine Art College of Shanghai University .

  12. 兼职教授有博士学位。

    Adjunct professors have a doctorate .

  13. 他表示,兼职教授“没有时间投入长期性的规划”。

    Adjunct professors " don 't have the time to commit to something long-term , " he says .

  14. 其他院系则可更多地起用兼职教授,同时提供两年制的法律学位,以此削减学生的学费总额。

    Other schools could rely more on part-time professors and offer two-year degrees to shave the overall tuition bill .

  15. 现为浙江大学,北京交通大学及西南交通大学的兼职教授。

    He holds the title of adjunct professor at Zhejiang University , Beijing Jiaotong University and Southwest Jiaotong University .

  16. 希尔同时也是克罗地亚里耶卡大学经济系公共管理项目的兼职教授。

    He is affiliated with the Faculty of Economics at the University of Rijeka in Croatia through its Public Administration Program .

  17. 根据纽约大学兼职教授、心理学家本•达特所述,长子长女以成就为导向,渴望取悦他们的父母。

    According psychologist and New York University adjunct professor Ben Dattner , firstborns are achievement-oriented and eager to please their parents .

  18. 建立高素质并独具特色的教师队伍,从企业中聘请专家担任兼职教授。

    And to build a high-quality and distinctive contingent of teaching staff , such as employing experts in enterprises as part-time professors .

  19. 一个锦衣玉食的校长,该如何解释将教学责任转给低薪的兼职教授的举措?

    How do you defend the transfer of teaching responsibilities to low-paid , part-time adjuncts when the president is sitting so pretty ?

  20. 除了研究和授课活动,他同时在美国、欧洲和亚洲的一些顶级的学术机构里担任客座教授或兼职教授。

    Besides lecturing and research , he also holds several'Visiting or Adjunct Professor'positions in the United States , Europe and Asia at leading academic institutions .

  21. 在我还是一个国际新生的时候,课程的主任有一次让学生在电子邮件中发表自己对新来兼职教授的看法。

    When I was a fresh international student , the director of our program once asked students in an e-mail what we thought about a new adjunct professor .

  22. 有这个证书的公立学校教师可以在教体育,音乐或其他学校课程的同时兼职教授驾驶培训课程。

    Public-school teachers with this certification may conduct driver education on a part-time basis , along with coaching sports programs , teaching music , or engaging in some other school program .

  23. 此外,聘请了106位国内各界知名人士担任学校的名誉教授、客座教授和兼职教授。

    In addition , 106 well-Known intellectuals and scientists from various fields in China have contributed to the teaching and research at the RUC as honorary professors , resident professors , or part-time professors .

  24. 因此,加强兼职教授的管理工作,建立规范的管理体系,采取灵活、多样化的形式发挥其作用,成为高校利用兼职教授队伍促进自身发展的关键。

    Therefore , in order to make full use of part-time professors to promote the development of the university , the key approach is to enhance the management of part-time professors , establish a normal management system and adopt various flexible ways .

  25. 但也有观点认为,法律教育要靠彻头彻尾的新模式才能生存下去,比如采用模块化教学,划定课程时数,由兼职教授授课,或者开办那种更像是职业学校的律师学院,培养一毕业就能马上开始执业的律师。

    But others are saying legal education 's survival will come by way of radical new models like modular teaching , which would use part-time professors for defined periods , or lawyer academies , which are more like trade schools readying attorneys to practice immediately after graduating .

  26. 大连医科大学兼职副教授,资深皮肤医学美容专家。

    Dalian Medical University associate adjunct professor , senior medical skin beauty expert .

  27. 深圳大学、中山大学等七校客座(兼职)教授;

    Shenzhen University , Sun Yat-sen University , the seven visiting ( part-time ) professor ;

  28. 他还是科罗拉多大学波尔得分校的一位兼职助理教授,主要教授电气、计算机和能源工程系的多门暑期课程。

    He is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder and teaches several summer courses in the Electrical , Computer , and Energy Engineering department .

  29. 兼职的辅助教授可以为学生们提供真实的社会经验。

    They also say part-time adjuncts can provide real world experience for their students .

  30. 我还兼职在本校教授市场战略。

    I also teach marketing strategies on a part-time basis at the university .