
  • Zhang Bin;【人名】Bin Zhang
  1. 张斌《新编现代汉语》语法部分举疑

    Some grammatical questions in Zhang Bin 's The New Modern Chinese

  2. 反正我觉得大作家张斌是值得我尊敬的,他是个有毅力的人。

    Whatevey , this guy is worth my respect , he is persistent .

  3. 三个平面理论,认为张斌是在符号学等国外理论和汉语析句法演变实践的双重坐标中,提出三个平面理论的。

    For Ternate Complanate Theory , I believe Mr. Zhang Bin proposed this ideas which was based on semeiology of overseas academy as well as Chinese alcaic analysis evolvement .

  4. 去年春季,中国社会科学院高级研究员张斌提出了一次性升值、然后回到与一篮子货币挂钩的汇率建议。

    Last spring , Zhang Bin , a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Science , proposed a one-time appreciation , followed by a return to a pegged exchange rate .

  5. 张斌先生《新编现代汉语》是21世纪出版的一部影响很大的普通高等教育教材,但该教材语法部分还存在许多可以商榷的问题,值得我们注意。

    Mr. Zhang Bin 's The New Modern Chinese is an influential textbook published in the 21st century for college students . But there are many questions worthy of discussion in the grammar part and attention should be paid to them .

  6. 张斌先生主编的《新编现代汉语》是21世纪初出版的一部影响很大的普通高校现代汉语教材,较好地反映了现代汉语研究的最新成果,但也存在着一些疏漏与失误。

    The New Modern Chinese edited by Zhang Bin , published in the early 21st century , is a common modern Chinese textbook used in colleges , which influences greatly and represents the newest research achievements in modern Chinese . But there are still some mistakes in it .