
  • Fan Bingbing;Bingbing Fan;blog;TINA
  1. 范冰冰如今已经成为最红的美容典范。Hu说。

    Fan Bing Bing is the most popular beauty idol today , says Hu .

  2. 开幕式上走红毯的明星包括了成龙、范冰冰和迈克·泰森(MikeTyson)。

    Jackie Chan , Fan Bingbing and Mike Tyson were among the celebrities walking the red carpet at the opening ceremony .

  3. 此次范冰冰的失礼只是又一起名人着装失误的案例而已。

    Fan 's faux pas was simply another celebrity wardrobe malfunction .

  4. 我喜欢范冰冰在着装上对中国根的崇敬。

    I loved how Fan paid tribute to her Chinese roots .

  5. 范冰冰在淡妆的时候最美丽。

    FBB is at her most beautiful with minimal makeup .

  6. 这是本周最佳服饰!范冰冰太完美了!

    This is BDOTW ( Best dress of the week ) . Fan is flawless .

  7. 中国女演员范冰冰到达的第63届戛纳电影节闭幕式。

    Chinese actress Fan Bing Bing arrives for the closing ceremony of the63rd Cannes film festival .

  8. 我不得不说,范冰冰这一次的造型我不是特别喜欢。

    This isn 't one of my favourite Fan Bing Bing looks I have to say .

  9. 范冰冰从一个并不知名的人变成了你们最喜欢的2010红地毯巨星之一。

    Fan Bing Bing went from being anonymous to one of your favourite red carpet stars of2010 .

  10. 范冰冰就是一颗永远在红毯带来优雅的明星。

    Fan Bingbing is one star you can always rely on to bring elegance to the red carpet .

  11. 范冰冰的调侃让现场充满欢声笑语,观众开心的合不拢嘴。

    Fan Bingbing ridicule the so full of laughter at the scene , the audience happily from ear to ear .

  12. 像范冰冰和陈道明这样的名人已经采取了行动,他们每人都购置了飞机。

    Celebs like Fan Bing Bing and Chen Daoming have gotten in on the action , each buying a jet of their own .

  13. 露出来的胸罩我也很喜欢,其实这种设计很容易让人感到低俗,但是范冰冰和模特都成功避免了这个问题。

    I also like that the bra isn 't as exposed as it is on the model , because it would have looked really tacky .

  14. 女演员刘亦菲、林志玲和范冰冰是中国剩男的梦中情人前三甲,调查发现。

    Actresses Crystal Liu , Lin Chiling and Fan Bingbing ranked as the top three dream women for Chinese leftover men , the survey found .

  15. 导演沙恩布莱克的另一创新之举尤其是对中国观众而言就是中国演员范冰冰和王学圻的客串演出。

    Another innovative move by director Shane Black ― especially for Chinese audiences ― is the cameo appearances of local movie stars Fan Bingbing and Wang Xueqi .

  16. 范冰冰是我每年都要专题写上两次的明星,但是在2010年,她统治了红地毯&特别是在戛纳电影节。

    Fan Bing Bing was a star I wrote about possibly twice a year , but in2010 she ruled the red carpet – especially at Cannes Film Festival .

  17. ),还有上新浪在线聊天室,听范冰冰(一个在中国非常著名的影星)的明星讲座。

    ), to live Sina online chat , to " Lessons from the stars " taught by Fan Bing Bing ( a really famous movie star here in China ) .

  18. 为了突出章的主角地位,范冰冰在本片中的戏份被砍掉很多,然而对比章,她在屏幕上显示了更名符其实的明星魅力。

    Hardworking local star Fan , whose part appears to have been trimmed to give Zhang more prominence , shows much more genuine star charisma whenever she calmly strides onscreen .

  19. 新一季宣传片小范冰冰杨棋涵本着对时尚的追求,对个性自我的执著,展现出色彩精灵般的视觉感观,越来越受到时下年轻人的喜爱。

    A new season in the fashion of promotional pursue , to personality self attachments , show a colour as fairy visual sense , more and more young people nowadays love .

  20. 小范冰冰杨棋涵现在的走红并没有改变她一贯做人的风格,脚踏实地做人,真诚对待身边的每一位好朋友和粉丝,认认真真做自己的音乐。

    Yang chess culvert now fame didnt change her usual life style , down-to-earth person , we treat every around a good friend and fans , conscientious do his own music .

  21. 上周,当范冰冰身着晚装出现在戛纳影节红毯上时,她并不知道自己裙上的“仙鹤”在法语中有着全然不同的意思。

    Fan Bingbing had no idea that her " red crane gown " signified something different in France when she sported the dress on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival last week .

  22. 要知道凭借女明星范冰冰、巩俐的形象影响力已经赚得盆满钵溢的太极集团其企业道德已丧失到了何种程度!

    Must know that relied on female star Fan Bingbing , Gong Lis vivid influence already to earn the trough Man Boyi primal chaos group its enterprise morals to lose what kind of degree !

  23. 形象健康性感妩媚的小范冰冰杨棋涵在广告拍摄中换了几套服饰上阵,真空毛绒服饰现身,高贵中见冶艳,增添不少女人味。

    Image health sexy charm of Yang chess culvert in advertising photography changed several sets of clothing to battle , vacuum plush dress appeared , noble in see smelt metal , add many woman flavour .

  24. 在过去的几个月里,范冰冰,姜文,郭敬明,蔡康永,张柏芝等一众明星,分别指导、制作或出演了各自的微电影。

    In the past few months , Fan Bingbing , Jiang Wen , Guo Jingming , Kevin Tsai , Cecelia Cheung and so on , have all had their micro films made , either directing , producing or playing a character .