
fàn wén
  • model essay
范文 [fàn wén]
  • [model essay] 教学中作为模范的作文

范文[fàn wén]
  1. 研究发现六个因素可以对受试的自评过程产生影响。这六个因素为任务知识、范文、先验知识、评分标准、教师评估和学生评估。

    Six factors which have an influence on the self-assessment process of the subject have been discovered , namely task knowledge , model essay , prior writing knowledge , scoring rubric , teacher assessment and peer assessment .

  2. 笔者选择合适的写作题目,对实验班和普通班进行前测和后测,进行阶段性对比,并辅以访谈和范文写作的手段,证实脚手架在写作教学中的积极作用。

    The author chooses a suitable topic to examine the control class and experimental class before and after experiment and makes a periodical comparison . With the method of interview and model essay writing , the author confirms that the active effect of scaffolding in the teaching of English writing .

  3. 范文示例用书推荐《剑桥标准商务英语教程》(CambridgeBusinessBenchmark)剑桥大学出版社出版。

    Cambridge BEC Vantage 2 ( Student Book with Answers )

  4. 麦克J。福克斯:我以为现实上师范学校类小我私家简历范文最可怕的人就是没有诙谐感的人。

    MJF : I think the scariest person in the world is the person with no sense of humor .

  5. 介绍语篇分析开始,解释了Hoey的语篇分析理论,并将这一理论应用于教学实践中,分析了《21世纪大学英语》教材中的一篇范文。

    Starting from the introduction of discourse , this paper tries to explain Hoey 's theory of discourse analysis and applies it in the practice of the teaching of a text in 21st Century College English .

  6. 对新教材两篇范文立意的质疑

    Querying The Conception of Two Model Articles In The New Textbook

  7. 雅思写作范文:孩子应该在家接受教育吗?

    Children should never be educated at home by their parents .

  8. 最好是多给一些范文让他们模仿。

    We 'd better give them more sample writings to simulate .

  9. 雅思写作范文之政府是否应该为公民提供平等的医疗福利?

    Should government provide equal health care for all the citizens ?

  10. 范文的导入使学生认知这一写作策略如何应用。

    Students read the story and answer the questions after reading .

  11. 制订各类合同范文可使管理规范化。

    Sample contracts can standardize management and make enterprises more efficient .

  12. 专四范文:迫在眉睫的金融灾难引起了相当多的政治关注。

    The threat of impending financial disaster concentrates political minds wonderfully .

  13. 他试图模仿好的范文以形成自己的风格。

    He tried to form his style on good models .

  14. 最后冲刺的一个月内,我将40篇范文倒背如流。

    I memorized 40 sample passages during the final month .

  15. 鼓励学生模仿老师的范文去写小作文。

    Encourage them to write something about their pets .

  16. 谢谢各位耐心的听我的教育范文网演说。

    Thanks everybody is patience listen to my speech .

  17. 以范文为例,表达有关食物和生活方式的实际信息。

    Express factual information about diets and lifestyles based on the model article .

  18. 论英语短文写作提示与范文情景语境的统一

    On Unity Between Situation Contexts of Instruction and Key in English Essay Writing

  19. 范文翻译随着现在工业化的发展,我们可以享受到更多。

    With the development of modern industrialization , we can get more benefits .

  20. 语文教学中范文的作用与学生能力的培养

    The Chinese Text Teaching and Reading Ability Training

  21. 下面是一篇关于中国的传统节日&鬼节的雅思口语话题范文。

    The seventh lunar month in the traditional Chinese calendar is called Ghost Month .

  22. 范文在教材中占有至关重要的地位,是语文教材的核心。

    Texts in the teaching model occupies crucial position is the core of language teaching .

  23. 从理论上而言,范文模仿法是以行为主义的模仿理论为基础的。

    Theoretically , model & imitation practice is based on the imitating theory of behaviorism .

  24. 但第13课、20课两篇范文的立意是否妥当,值得商榷。

    However , whether the conception of Lesson 13 and 20 is proper is worth discussing .

  25. 这本教科书中说说明性材料多于范文,所以难以阅读。

    They textbook contains more explanatory material than models and is therefore hard to plough through .

  26. 这些范文按照体裁被分为了三类:议论文,说明文,信。

    Those samples are classified into three different genre types , argumentation , exposition and letter .

  27. 从阅读与写作的关系看英语写作教学中的范文教学

    Using Models in Teaching English Composition

  28. 教学过程中既发挥了教师和范文的指导作用,又能使学生积极参与整个写作过程。

    Teachers facilitate the writing process and students can actively participate in the process of writing .

  29. 参见作业部份“有效政策备忘录指南”和学生范文。

    See the " Guide to Writing Effective Policy Memos " and the student examples below .

  30. 既然所参考的文章为高分范文,那么考试者理应获得相对较高的成绩。

    Because they are model essays , the points that the examinees obtained should be comparatively higher .