
  1. 第四章考察魏明伦对传统川剧文学的革新。

    The fourth chapter examines the traditional Sichuan Opera Wei Minglun literary innovation .

  2. 魏明伦具有强烈的本土文化认同意识、离经叛道的异端色彩和兼容并包的开放心态。

    Wei Minglun local cultural identity has a strong sense of color and inclusive deviant heresy open mind .

  3. 第五章,归纳分析魏明伦剧作的艺术个性。这是本论文的重点篇章。

    Chapter five induces Wei 's artistic individuality of his dramas and this is keystone chapter of this paper .

  4. 可以说,魏明伦的剧作是对时代、历史呼唤新戏曲的一种感应。

    We can say that Wei Minglun 's drama creation is a kind of induction responding to times ' and history 's calling new drama .

  5. 魏明伦自八十年代以来,先后创作了《易胆大》等8个剧目,在国内外都引起了不小的反响。

    Since 1980s , Wei Minglun has created successively 8 dramas such as Yi Dan Da and others , and caused a comparatively great echo at home and abroad .

  6. 他已邀请他的朋友、“巴蜀鬼才”魏明伦在适当的时候,为他写个川味很浓、地方特色突出的影视剧本子。

    Also he has invited his friend , Wai Ming Run ," Scholar of Pai Chuck ", to write a audio script with rich local feel of Sichuan for him when Wai has time .