
  1. 陈峰具备共有的价值观型领导行为特征,同时也有其他一些基于自身特点的行为特征。

    Chen Feng had the common behavior character of value-based leadership , together with other personal behavior characters .

  2. 海航集团董事局主席陈峰在今年7月表示将继续这股收购热潮。

    Chen Feng , HNA 's chairman , said in July the buying spree was set to continue .

  3. 政治及国际关系学系副教授陈峰博士,凭一篇有关中国工会的研究论文,获伦敦大学东方和非。

    The China Quarterly is a leading and authoritative international journal on China studies published by the University of London 's School of Oriental and African Studies .

  4. 陈峰称,海航集团目前没有收到任何被重组的消息,也没有任何收购其他小航空公司的考虑。

    Said Chen Feng , Hainan Airlines Group the current reorganization has not received any news , and there is no acquisition of other small airlines consideration .