
  • Chen Gang;【人名】Gang Chen
  1. 麻烦你通知他陈刚来过电话。

    Please inform him that Chen Gang was calling .

  2. 中国《环球时报》记者陈刚也将出席活动。

    Cheng Gang , a journalist with the Global Times , is also slated to participate .

  3. 我叫陈刚。

    I am Chen Gang .

  4. 1991年陈刚在辽宁发现该病,至今该病在辽宁、吉林、河北等地区均有发生。

    In 1991 CHEN Gang found the disease in Laoning and also found in Jilin , Hebei and other province .

  5. 这句话的意思是:陈刚开店后,生意很不好,头两年他还亏了钱。

    Business was bad for Chen after he started his shop , and the first two years he lost money .

  6. 尽管潜在的健康问题,超低价提供证明太诱人一些在广州,包括陈刚,谁的学生通常不会喝牛奶。

    Despite the potential health concerns , the ultra-cheap offers proved too tempting for some in Guangzhou , including Chen Gang , a student who normally does not drink milk .

  7. 全称为《梁山伯与祝英台》,是何占豪、陈刚根据中国传说的民间爱情故事创作的著名小提琴协奏曲。

    The complete name is Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai , a famous violin concerto about a traditional love story in China , composed by He Zhanhao and Chen Gang .

  8. 因此,麻省理工技术学院的陈刚和波士顿学院的任智丰在《自然材料》上发表论文建议用其他方法替代,他们认为,这种称为热电效应的现象可能被使用,而且他们已经建立了一个原型,证明这个想法是可行的。

    Gang Chen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Zhifeng Ren of Boston College therefore propose , in a paper in Nature Materials , an alternative . They suggest that a phenomenon called the thermoelectric effect might be used instead - and they have built a prototype to show that the idea is practical .