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  1. 基于面部表情,魏骁勇能够从中知道学生什么时候最活跃,什么时候需要多一点互动来集中注意力。

    Based on facial expressions , Wei is able to know when students are the most active , and when they need more interaction to stay engaged .

  2. 这套系统是由计算机科学学院的魏骁勇教授研发的,被魏教授的学生成为“魔法机器”。

    The system , invented by Professor Wei Xiaoyong of the university 's computer science department , has been deemed a " magic device " by Wei 's students .

  3. 魏骁勇说:我想告诉学生们,即使你只知道一些简单的科学原理,如果应用得当,你也可以成就大事。

    I wanted to tell my students that even when you only know some simple science principles , if you use them right , you can achieve great things , said Wei .

  4. 徒手劈砖通常只在电影中出现,而在四川大学的课堂上,计算机科学系系主任魏骁勇就上演了一幕徒手劈砖。

    Splitting bricks by hand usually only happens in movies . But in a class at Sichuan University , Wei Yaoyong , dean of the computer science department , did just that .