
  • 网络Wei-Jin dynasties;wei-jin metaphysics;metaphysics
  1. 魏晋玄学与人的觉醒&试论玄学的思想意义和社会价值

    Metaphysics in the Wei-jin Dynasties and the Human Awakening ── On the Ideological significance and social value of Metaphysics

  2. 魏晋玄学对陶诗创作方式的影响

    Effect of the Wei-jin Metaphysics Upon the Tao 's Poetry

  3. 经学与魏晋玄学的结合;

    The study of Confucianism combined with the study of metaphsics ;

  4. 魏晋玄学对绘画创造的影响

    Painting Creativity Influenced by Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasty

  5. 后现代主义精神与魏晋玄学

    The Essence of Post Modernism and the Metaphysics During Wei and Jin Dynasties

  6. 理性的超越与感性的生动&魏晋玄学与自然审美意识关系论

    On the Relationship Between Metaphysics and Natural Aesthetic Consciousness in Wei Jin Periods

  7. 自然与名教之辩是魏晋玄学的中心议题。

    The argument of norm and nature is the central issue of Wei-Jin metaphysics .

  8. 魏晋玄学中对人的情感的大胆肯定,直接影响到当时的文学创作和文学观念的变革与更新。

    It influenced directly the innovation and reform of the creation and theories of literature .

  9. 魏晋玄学与美学的关系

    Relationship between metaphysics and aesthetics as seen by people of the Wei and Jin periods

  10. 魏晋玄学与魏晋人的情感世界

    Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Period and the Emotional world of people in Wei and Jin

  11. 谈魏晋玄学悲为美之缘起

    On The Origin of " Woe as beauty " in the Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasties

  12. 境界形上学的初步形态&论魏晋玄学的基本理论特质

    The Initial Form of the Metaphysics of Horizon & On the Basic Theoretic Characteristic of New Daoism

  13. 以往学界对魏晋玄学和文学之关系着力颇多。

    Taoism scholars of the past had focused on the relationship between metaphysics and literature a lot .

  14. 魏晋玄学的得意忘言论对我国古典美学产生了深远影响。

    Metaphysics in Wei and Jin Dynasties had a far - reaching influence on Chinese classical aesthetic .

  15. 嵇康思想远承道家“自然无为”的精神,也是魏晋玄学发展到竹林时期的一种典型代表。

    Jikang 's thought carried on the Taoism and was a typical representative of Xuaxue during Zhulin period .

  16. 诚然,这与魏晋玄学之兴起有极密的联系。

    Admittedly , this is Wei " divination , astrology ," the rise of a very close contact .

  17. 对魏晋玄学自由精神的一种政治学诠释精神分析治疗法精神分析治疗法

    A Political Analysis of the Freedom Spirit of the Metaphysics of the Cao-Wei and the Jin Dynasty ; psychoanalytic therapy

  18. 魏晋玄学的产生,对中国思想文化观念的走向产生了极其重大的影响。

    The emergence of metaphysics in Weijin Dynasty has a great effect upon tendency of Chinese thoughts and cultural ideas .

  19. 郭象是魏晋玄学的集大成者,并将魏晋玄学推到了最高峰。

    And Guo Xiang pushed to the peak of metaphysics , who could be said that a master of metaphysics .

  20. 魏晋玄学消除天地万物的一切差异,实现了主客体的同一。

    The metaphysics is to realize the unity of subject with object after do away with all the differences in the universe .

  21. 本文从人格理论及实践的角度研究魏晋玄学与儒学的关系,认为儒学背景下的玄学发生及演进实质上是儒家人格的玄学化。

    The paper studies the relationship between Metaphysics and Confucianism in Wei and Jin dynasties from the view of the personality psychology .

  22. 本文试图详细考察《文心雕龙》中的“养气”说与魏晋玄学的关系。

    This text attempts to review the relationship between nourishing one 's vieal spirit in WenxinDiaolong and metaphysics in the Wei Jin Dynasty .

  23. 因此,魏晋玄学是《文心雕龙》艺术辩证法的一个重要思想来源。

    Therefore , the metaphysical philosophy of Wei and Jin Dynasties should be considered a major source of artistic dialectics fin this work .

  24. 这些转变促使了人们对一种新的生活方式的思考,进而引发了魏晋玄学的产生。

    These changes make people thinking of a new way of life , which led to the emergence of metaphysics in Wei and jin dynasties .

  25. 陶渊明人生理想境界的形成与他的个人生活遭际、时代的黑暗有一定的关系。道家思想与魏晋玄学的影响对他的人生理想境界的形成也起到了很大的作用。

    Tao Yuan-ming formed his ideal state by the influence of his personal experiences and the philosophical sect in the Wei and Jin dynasties Naturalism .

  26. 在中国哲学发展史上,魏晋玄学作为一个哲学思潮,有着它不可忽视的价值。

    On Chinese philosophy phylogeny , as a philosophy trend of thought , a philosophy faction in Wei and Jin period has its assignable value .

  27. 对这种美学精神的深刻理解实际上就是对魏晋玄学的深刻理解。

    Therefore , the profound understanding of the aesthetic spirit , in fact , is the profound understanding of metaphysics in the Wei and Jin dynasties .

  28. 论魏晋玄学对《文心雕龙》艺术辩证法的影响

    The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons and The Summary of Arts On the Influence of Metaphysics of Wei and Jin Dynasties On the Artistic Dialectics in Literary Mind Elaboration

  29. 当时以天道自然观为起点的魏晋玄学已深入了社会生活的各个方面,并造成了消极的影响。

    At that time , Wei-Jin metaphysics , featuring Way of Heaven ( i.e. natural law ), had begun to penetrate each aspect of social life , which began to produce negative influence .

  30. 由于无的第一类涵义中的生成义和抽象义的矛盾,导致了魏晋玄学的逻辑演进。

    It was the contradiction between the generative and the abstract sense of the first type that led to the evolution of the logic of metaphysics in the Wei and the Jin dynasty .