
  • 网络The Weimar Republic
  1. 美国真的走上了与魏玛共和国(WeimarRepublic)相同的道路吗?

    Is the US really on the same road as the Weimar Republic ?

  2. 一系列戏剧性的事件标志着魏玛共和国的终结。

    A series of dramatic events marked the end of the Weimar Republic .

  3. 但德国人对于魏玛共和国(weimar)时期恶性通胀的历史仍记忆犹新,他们肯定不会这么做。

    But with their historic folk memory of the Weimar hyperinflation , the Germans will simply not have that .

  4. 这将避开若隐若现的魏玛共和国经济学“幽灵”。

    This will avoid the looming spectre of Weimar economics .

  5. 魏玛共和国政治教育思想述评

    The Review of the Thought of Political Education in Weimar Republic of Germany

  6. 魏玛共和国在被纳粹接管前存在了不足14年。

    The Weimar Republic had existed fewer than fourteen years before the Nazi takeover .

  7. 甘蓝型油菜耐低硼能力的差异和筛选拥抱与抗拒&美国大众文化在魏玛共和国

    Studies on Difference and Screening of Resistance to Low Boron in Brassica napus Embrace and Resistance

  8. 魏玛共和国是德国历史上政治教育制度化的最早时期。

    Weimar Republic of Germany was the earliest epoch with systematic political education in the history of Germany .

  9. 他是在魏玛共和国反犹主义甚嚣尘上、通货膨胀不可控制的动乱年代中成长起来的。

    He grew up in the turbulent years under the Weimar Republic with anti-Semitism galloping and inflation out of control .

  10. 它们可能认为这会走向魏玛共和国经济学:通过印钞来为政府债务融资。

    They may see this as a slide towards Weimar Republic Economics : monetary financing of government debt by printing money .

  11. 实测并分析了不同施埋方法对降阻、防腐的综合影响。拥抱与抗拒&美国大众文化在魏玛共和国

    This paper analyzes the influences of different methods adopted in burying resistance-reducing agent on resistance reduction and corrosion proof . Embrace and Resistance

  12. 只有恐怖的第一次世界大战及其后果,才使魏玛共和国时期的德国人暂时失忆。

    It took the horrors of the first world war and its aftermath to induce the temporary lapse of memory under the Weimar Republic .

  13. 他被任命为德国魏玛共和国的国务卿,后来还建立了一个繁荣的律师事务所,这代表了美国在德国的利益。

    He was made a secretary of state in the German Weimar Republic and later on established a prosperous law firm that represented American interests in Germany .

  14. 第一章分别从三个方面论述了影响魏玛共和国初期东西方外交政策的各种因素。

    The first chapter respectively discusses various factors that influence the decision of the Eastern and Western Foreign policy of the early Weimar Republic from three respects .

  15. 魏玛共和国在德意志战败的残局中建立,对于新生的共和国来说最重要的问题就是如何复兴德国。

    The Weimar Republic was founded on the base of defeat , to the new German Republic , how to recover Germany was the most important problem .

  16. 《道威斯计划》是魏玛共和国的一场经济改革运动,它的实施推动共和国出现了经济上的复兴,也为政治稳定创造了条件。

    Dawes Plan was an economical revolutionary movement in Germany . It propelled the appearance of the economical rejuvenation , economical development furnished supportive conditions for political stability .

  17. 从2008年开始,贝克就几乎一刻不停地将美国货币政策和魏玛共和国等灾难性事件进行类比。

    Starting in 2008 and with little respite since , Beck has kept up a drumbeat of parallels between American monetary policy and disaster scenarios such as Weimar Germany .

  18. 正是因为魏玛共和国缺失了制衡激进反犹主义的力量,使得反犹主义在向恶性病态方向发展时得不到遏制,从而滑向了纳粹屠犹的悲剧深渊。

    It is because the Weimar government miss power in counterbalance the radical anti-Semitism that not contain the worsen development of the anti-Semitic , leading to the tragedy of holocaust .

  19. 她说她的灵感来源于凯绥珂勒惠支,魏玛共和国时期杰出的激进和平主义画家和版画复制匠,战后东德备受尊崇的人物。

    Her inspiration , she said , came from k the Kollwitz , the great radical pacifist painter and print-maker of the Weimar years , venerated in post-war East Germany .

  20. 1933年1月30日,希特勒就任魏玛共和国总理,标志着德国纳粹化的开始。德国国内形势的恶化引起了法国的严重不安。

    The accession of Adolf Hitler to power in Germany in January of 1933 posed a fatal threat to the Third Republic of France and caused the French great anxiety .

  21. 魏玛共和国诞生于因战败遭受的屠杀的混乱之中,许多德国人将这场败局错误地解释为“暗箭伤人”,而这个羽翼未丰的共和国从一开始就孱弱乏力。

    Born in chaos after the slaughter of a war lost through what many Germans wrongly construed as a " stab in the back ", the fledgling republic was hamstrung from the start .

  22. 魏玛共和国时期,特别是相对稳定时期,美国大众文化迅速传遍德国,赢得了以白领职员为代表的新中间阶级的热烈欢迎;

    In Weimar Republic history , especially during the relatively stable stage , American mass culture was spread widely in Germany and was warmly welcome by the new middle class represented by the white-collar worker .

  23. 《杨格计划》的运行建立在德国经济发展的乐观估计基础上,30年代的大危机很快击破了这一梦想。第四章论述了肇始于美国的大萧条对魏玛共和国瓦解的影响。

    Young plan was on the basis of optimistic assessment on economical development in Germany , but the dream was soon to be broken by the great depression in 1930s.The fourth chapter explores how the great depression , originating from America , impacted the crumbling of Weimar Republic .

  24. 本世纪二三十年代,生气勃勃的魏玛文化在共和国贫乏苍白而又充满危机的政治背景下睥睨欧陆。

    During the 1920s and 1930s , a vigorous Weimar culture , with the dull and crisis-ridden politics of the Reich , overwhelmed the European countries .