
  • 网络Wei Shangjin;Shanjin Wei
  1. 但由丹尼尔•考夫曼和魏尚进(音译)撰写的一份世界银行(WorldBank)报告显示,如果计入隐性成本,增长优势就没那么显著了。

    But it becomes less so once the hidden costs are factored in , according to a World Bank study by Daniel Kaufmann and Shang-Jin Wei .

  2. 而哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)教授魏尚进在一次研讨会上称,由于性别比严重失衡,这个趋势可能会一直持续到未来几年。

    And in the coming years , the trend will likely continue as the ratio gets progressively out of balance , said Columbia University professor Shang-Jin Wei recently at a symposium .

  3. 魏尚进在纽约哥伦比亚商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)负责中国商业与经济研究。他指出,如果进行IPO,将使公司的管理层一夜之间成为亿万富翁。

    An IPO would also make much of the company 's top management instant billionaires , points out Shang-Jin Wei , who chairs Chinese Business and Economy studies at Columbia Business School in New York .

  4. “赚钱变得越来越重要,”哥伦比亚大学JeromeA.Chazen国际商业研究院院长魏尚进称。

    " Acquiring wealth becomes far more important , " says Wei , director of the Jerome a. Chazen Institute of international business at Columbia .

  5. 正因为如此,哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)教授魏尚进2012年所做的调查显示,2003-2009年间,在中国35个主要城市中,房价上涨的部分中高达48%(价值约合8万亿美元)都与国内男女比例失衡有关。

    as a result , between 2003 and 2009 , as much as 48 % ( or $ 8 trillion worth ) of the rise in property values across China 's 35 major cities is linked to the nation 's gender imbalance , according to a 2012 study by Columbia University professor Shang-Jin Wei .

  6. 魏尚进估计,同期性别失衡的贡献率平均达到2个百分点。

    Wei estimates the gender imbalance , on average , contributed 2 percentage points annually during that period .

  7. 魏尚进表示,随着世界第二大经济体国民收入的不断增加,想多生孩子的夫妇可能会越来越多。

    Wei says as incomes rise in the world 's second largest economy , it 's likely that more couples will have more children .

  8. 魏尚进列举了两个原因:虽然中国要在10-15年之后才能看到重大的变化,但是给更多的家庭生二胎的机会将有助于平衡男女比例。

    Wei cites two reasons : It could take another 10 to 15 years before China sees any fundamental changes , but giving more couples a chance to have two children would help balance the male-to-female ratio .