
  • 网络yuan
  1. 魏源研究中若干问题的研究状况述评

    A Certain Number of Questions in the Research of Qu Yuan

  2. 魏源的改革开放思想

    Wei Yuan 's Conception of Reform and Opening - up

  3. 魏源是清道光以来著名的山水诗人。

    Wei Yuan was a very well-known mountains-and-waters poet since Qing Daoguang .

  4. 魏源是这一进程的少数先行者之一。

    WEI Yuan was one of the few pioneers in this process .

  5. 论林则徐与魏源的经世思想

    On the Social Thoughts of Lin Zexu and Wei Yuan

  6. 现代国家意识伴随着一个国家由传统步入现代化的进程而产生。从林则徐、魏源主张学习西方,启蒙一代风气;

    The consciousness of modern state is accompanied with the process of modernization .

  7. 经过龚自珍、魏源等的再造,今文经学与现实政治密切结合;

    Gong Zi-zhen and Wei Yuan link it with the actual politics closely ;

  8. 魏源山水诗的艺术成就

    On Art Achievements Of Wei Yuan 's Mountains-and-Waters poems

  9. 魏源经世致用的教育思想

    The Statecraft Ideological Educational Thought of Wei Yuan

  10. 魏源文学主张及诗歌创作刍议

    A Critical View of Wei Yuan 's Remarks on Literature and Writing of Poetry

  11. 这些魏源研究的新材料对进一步全面、深入地研究魏源,特别对研究他的人才思想具有重要意义。

    These latest materials will play an important part in the further research on Wei-yuan .

  12. 魏源的和谐社会理念就集中体现在其政治主张中。

    Wei Yuan 's harmonious social idea embodies a concentrated reflection of its political opinion .

  13. 魏源的改革思想论

    On the reform thoughts of Wei Yuan

  14. 魏源的经济思想

    WEI Yuan 's economics thoughts

  15. 魏源生活在鸦片战争前后,这正是中国社会发生剧变的时期。

    Wei Yuan lived before and after the Opium War when Chinese society has a drastic change .

  16. 中国发展经济学的滥觞&从林则徐、魏源到孙中山

    The Origination of Development Economics in China & From Lin Zexu , Wei Yuan to Sun Zhongshan

  17. 魏源在近代中国社会急剧转型时期提出了系统而具体的改革思想。

    Wei Yuan put forward systematic and concrete reform thoughts in the period of Chinese social sharp transformation .

  18. 这些思想表明,魏源是中国商务观念从封闭式向开放式发展的奠基人。

    All of above show Wei Yuan was the founder of commercial thoughts developing from closing to opening .

  19. 魏源;维新运动;思想局限;报刊舆论;再现;

    Wei Yuan ; post-Restoration movement ; limitations of thought ; the public opinion in newspaper ; the reproduction ;

  20. 试析魏源在边疆历史地理沿革研究上的贡献

    Analysis of Wei Yuan 's Research on the History and the Course of Change and Development at the Border Areas

  21. 在19世纪中期,魏源是中国最具前瞻性的启蒙思想家之一。

    In the middle of the 19th century , Wei Yuan was of the most far sighted enlightening thinkers in China .

  22. 嘉道时期社会大转折的一面镜子&《魏源评传》撰写手记

    A Mirror of Social Turn of the Late Qing Dynasty & An Experience of Writing A Critical Biography of WEI Yuan

  23. 而继承其思想并加以具体化的魏源,则可谓近代变革维新思想的总设计师。

    But inherits Wei Yuan who its thought and performs the concrete application , then modern transformation reform thought chief design engineer .

  24. 魏源的改革开放思想对于我们今天的社会主义现代化建设仍然具有十分积极的借鉴意义。

    Wei Yuan 's reforming and opening thought also has a positive referential significance to the socialist modernization construction of our country .

  25. 魏源的改革开放思想永放光芒&纪念魏源诞辰215周年

    The Brilliance of Wei Yuan 's Reform and Opening up Ideas & Commemorate the 215 Anniversary of the Birth of Wei Yuan

  26. 这从社会化教育的角度来看,魏源承担了文化传承和思想启蒙的社会职责。

    Wei Yuan undertook the social duty of culture passing on from generation to generation and thought enlightenment from angels of socialization education .

  27. 魏源的个人经历和思想历程以及当时的历史变局和时代的呼唤,构成了魏源人才伦理思想的基本历史背景。

    His personal experiences , ideological developments , historical changes , demands of his era constituted the basic historical background of his ideas .

  28. 魏源是中国古代经济思想向近代经济思想转变对期的具有承先启后作用的代表人物。

    Wei Yuan is a typical figure characterized by the transitional nature from China 's ancient economic thinking to the modern mode thereof .

  29. 同时魏源自身所具有的个人因素,也是其资本主义倾向意识产生的一个重要条件。

    At the same time , the personal factor of Wei Yuan , is an important term that his capitalism incline to produce .

  30. 1842年《南京条约》刚刚签订,经世学者魏源便推出“愤悱”之作《海国图志》。

    After was just concluded and signed in1842 , the scholar " weiyuan " brought out his book for " anger and grumbling " .