
  1. 他们都以为商鞅在开玩笑。

    They all thought Shang Yang was making a joke .

  2. 商鞅信守诺言,给了那人50枚金币。

    True to his word , Shang Yang gave the man 50 gold pieces .

  3. 大多数人都不信任商鞅。

    Most people didn 't trust Shang Yang .

  4. 因此,商鞅开始推行改革时,人民追随他。

    So when Shang Yang began carrying out his reforms , the people followed him .

  5. 为了解决这个问题,商鞅想出了一个主意。

    In order to solve this problem , Shang Yang came up with an idea .

  6. 秦国时期,有一个人叫商鞅。

    In the state of Qin ( ) , there was a man called Shang Yang .

  7. 商鞅一听无人应答,就上前说:"现在赏金条50块。"

    Hearing no answer , Shang Yang stepped forward and said , " The reward now goes to 50 gold pieces . "

  8. 论商鞅变法的奴隶制社会属性

    Slave System Social Natures on Shang Yang ′ s Political Reform

  9. 商鞅法律思想中的社会控制理论管见

    Ideas of Management of Society Control in ShangYang 's Legislative Concepts

  10. 并封之富庶之地商鞅。

    And the closure of the rich land of Shang Yang .

  11. 商鞅变法对我国法制改革的启示

    Inspirations to Our Legal System Reform from SHANG Yang Reform

  12. 后来商鞅的变法进行地很成功,秦国因此成为了当时最强大的国家。

    Soon the state of Qin became the strongest country .

  13. 试析商鞅变法成功的因素

    Analysing factors about the success of Shangyang 's political reform

  14. 这八篇反映了商鞅本人的思想。

    These eight articles have reflected ideology of Shang Yang .

  15. 由农而王:商鞅农本思想分析

    From Farming to Domination : An Analysis on Shang Yang 's Farming-centered Thought

  16. 商鞅的法律思想对公民法律意识培养的启示

    Shangyang 's Legal Thoughts and the Cultivation of the Citizens ' Legal Consciousness

  17. 商鞅最令人不齿的行为应当是诈败魏国。

    Shang Yang 's most contemptible acts of fraud should be defeated Wei .

  18. 先秦法家从商鞅到韩非经历了从重“法”到重“术”的转变。

    Pre-Qin legalists , who had emphasized law , changed to value tactics .

  19. 商鞅预防犯罪的思想

    On Shang Yang 's Prevention Thoughts of Crime

  20. 商鞅生于卫国一个贵族家庭。

    Shang Yang was born in an aristocrat family in the state of Wei .

  21. 在理论上,商鞅的一些主张并没有听起来那么糟糕。

    In theory , some of the principles Shang Yang advocated don 't sound that bad .

  22. 但商鞅的缺陷早就注定于他的出生中无从遁形。

    But Shang Yang 's shortcomings early on in his birth destined in no way Dunxing .

  23. 商鞅学派的法制教育思想和实践,以其深刻科学的认识为现代法制教育提供了诸多深刻有益的启示,其失误之处也给我们留下许多警示。

    The thought and practice of shang yang-school provide us with reference to modem legal education .

  24. 作为秦国宰相的商鞅试图要将这一理论付诸实践。

    Shang Yang , as prime minister of Chin , attempted to put this theory into practice .

  25. 君王任命的行政大臣,此处即为商鞅,替代君主管理政府的日常事务。

    His appointed Chancellor , in this case Lord Shang , would run government affairs for him .

  26. 通过对商鞅变法的研究,可以揭示其在历史上的作用。

    Through the study of Shang Yang 's constitutional reform , its historical function can be seen clearly .

  27. 商鞅的普法思想是其法治思想的重要内容之一。

    Shang Yang 's thought on popularizing laws was one of the important contents of his legal thoughts .

  28. 商鞅韩非推行法治的具体措施同中有异。

    Concrete rule by law measure Shang Yang and Han Fei is carried out has different also with middle .

  29. 于是商鞅留给我们的历史形象是刻薄少恩和贪婪无度的。

    So left to us the history of Shang Yang 's image is less harsh and the greed of ex.

  30. 商鞅凭自己的才能做到国相的位置,不得不令人刮目相看。

    Shang Yang 's ability to do their own relative to the location of the country , had impressive .