
  • 网络commercial agency
  1. WTO下的商事代理问题研究

    Research on Commercial Agency Under WTO Conditions

  2. 商事代理是一项重要的法律制度,然而从我国目前的商事代理立法来看十分滞后,不能适应我国加入WTO的需要,急待完善与加强。

    Commercial agency is an important law system . However , since its legislation in China is still lagged behind , it fails to neet the demand of our country after the entry into the WTO , and consequently , requires perfection and reinforcement .

  3. 《1993商事代理条例》与英国商事代理的权利和义务

    The 1993 Regulations and the Rights and Obligations of English Commercial Agents

  4. 商事代理与民事代理之区分&兼谈我国商事代理制度的立法完善

    The Distinction between Commercial Agency and Civil Agency

  5. 国际商事代理制度研究

    Researches in International Commercial Affairs Agent System

  6. 国际商事代理的若干法律问题研究

    Legal Research of International Commercial Agent

  7. 商事代理具有不同于民事代理的本质属性,不能简单按民事代理规则处理。

    We should not deal with business agency by the way we manage traditionally civil agency .

  8. 海牙《代理法律适用公约》与我国涉外商事代理制度的完善

    Hague " agent law applying treaty " and China relating foreign issue agent system 's perfection

  9. 商事代理是指代理人以营利为目的,接受被代理人委托而为的、效果归于被代理人的、具有法律效果的行为。

    Commercial agency is a kind of behavior with legal effects in which the agents are for-profit .

  10. 从理论研究的角度看,商事代理与民事代理的区分是极其必要的。

    The author thinks it is indispensable to distinguish commercial agency and civil agency through analyzing some materials .

  11. 近代意义上的代理制度起源于中世纪早期有关商事代理的习惯法。至德国民法典将具有普遍意义的代理制度从旧商法中抽出编入民法典,从而形成完善的代理制度。

    The modern agency system originated from the custom law about the commercial agency in the early middle age .

  12. 外贸代理作为国际上通用的商事代理行为,在我国经过了二十多年的垄断历程。

    Foreign trading agent is a common international business agent behavior , which has had a20-year 's history of monopoly .

  13. 广告代理作为一种商事代理制度,是保障广告业健康运行的重要手段。

    Advertising agency is commercial agency legislation and an important means to ensure the healthy operation of the advertising industry .

  14. 鉴于此,笔者提出完善商事代理制度应该以商事代理的营利性特点为核心的观点。

    In view of this , the author proposed that the for-profit characteristic is the core to prefect the commercial agency system .

  15. 委托代理理论、商事代理中的隐名代理理论以及合同法理论为员工委托持股制度提供了理论基础。

    Principal-agent theory , commercial agent anonymous proxy theory and contract law theory constitute a theoretical fundamental for the employee shareholding consignment system .

  16. 在理解商事代理时,应把握住代理行为的抽象本质与商事关系的特点这两个方面。

    In the understanding of the commercial agency , one should focus on two aspects : the abstract nature of agency and the characteristic of commercial relationship .

  17. 本文以比较法学的研究方法,通过对两大法系中国际商事代理的发展历程的回顾和对不同规定的比较,剖析国际商事代理法律关系各要素;

    This paper analyze all parts of the relations of international commercial agent by reviewing the development of international commercial agent in two law traditions and the differences between the rules of them .

  18. 文章从商事代理与民事代理相比较的角度出发,论述了商事代理的特点、种类及其法律关系等问题,指出了我国商事代理立法的缺陷及其立法建议。

    The article from the angle which compared with civil proxy , discusses trading proxy characteristics , types , its legal relations and other issues , and pointes out trading proxy legislative shortcoming and its legislation suggestion .

  19. 那么经理是否有代表公司签字的权利?在西方国家,经理的经理权被认为商事代理权,主要表现为代表权能和管理权能。

    In that way , whether the manager has the right to sign on behalf of company ? In the west , the manager authority of the manager is taken for commercial agency , and it mainly shows as the representative and administrative competence .

  20. 随着代理制度的产生并普遍应用于商事交易,使商事代理制度逐步发展并不断完善,在经济全球化的大背景下,商事代理应用十分广泛,并产生了带有涉外因素的国际商事代理。

    With Agent System and is generally used in Commercial transactions , the commercial agent system gradually developed and constantly improved , the commercial agent is widely used in the context of economic globalization , and international commercial agent with foreign elements .