
  • 网络same store sales
  1. 令人鼓舞的是,在糟糕的时尚设计带来多年销售负增长之后,gap最近开始实现积极的同店销售业绩。

    Encouragingly , gap has recently started to churn out positive same-store results , after years of negative sales driven by lousy fashion .

  2. 调查公司RetailMetrics表示,12月份,其月度同店销售指数上升了3%,为2008年4月以来最强劲的增长。

    Retail Metrics said its monthly index of comparable store sales rose 3 per cent in December , which represents the strongest increase in the index since April 2008 .

  3. 瑞银集团(UBS)分析师大卫•帕默(DavidPalmer)表示,过去几年,在麦当劳美国同店销售增幅中,约有一半来自新鸡肉产品。

    New chicken products have contributed about half the company 's US same-store sales growth over the past few years , says David Palmer , analyst at UBS .

  4. 德意志银行(DEUTSCHEBANK)分析师杰森韦斯特(JasonWest)表示,全球销售的增长缓解了对同店销售可能螺旋式下跌的担忧,就像汉堡王(BurgerKing)等竞争对手所经历的那样。

    Jason West , analyst at Deutsche Bank , said the global sales increase alleviated concern about a possible downward spiral in comparable sales , as had been seen at competitors like Burger King .

  5. RetailMetrics编制的同店销售指数9月份上升1.1%。与此同时,美国劳工部公布,上周申请失业救济金人数降至今年以来的最低水平。

    The 1.1 per cent rise in Retail Metrics ' September comparable sales index emerged as the Labour Department reported that the number of workers claiming jobless benefits fell last week to the lowest level this year .

  6. 保乐力加(PernodRicard)周四披露,2014年下半年该公司在中国的葡萄酒和烈酒的同店销售同比下降6%。

    Pernod Ricard revealed yesterday that like-for-like sales of wines and spirits in China in the second half of 2014 fell 6 per cent , compared with the same period a year earlier .

  7. 北美地区的同店销售增长了16%。

    Comparable sales rose 16 per cent in North America .

  8. 坏消息是:中国同店销售增幅仅为4%。

    The bad news : Chinese same-store sales growth was merely 4 per cent .

  9. 截至去年9月的三个月里,同店销售下降了24%。

    In the three months ending in September , same-store sales were down 24 per cent .

  10. 日前安踏公布的预期数据显示,第三季同店销售增长滑落至中单位数,而零售端折扣率亦扩大。

    The company it expected its same-store sales to contract to a single-digital rise with ballooning discount rate .

  11. 面对如此冷漠的消费者,北美的同店销售在过去几个季度一路下跌。

    In the face of such consumer apathy , same-store sales in North America have been falling for the past few quarters .

  12. 虽然同店销售出现增长,但大多数零售商公布的销售数据依然低于两年前的水平,一些公司仍在苦苦挣扎。

    In spite of the comparative gains , most retailers are still reporting sales below the levels of two years ago and some continue to struggle .

  13. 来自中国及其他新兴市场(如巴西)的游客也推动了意大利业务的增长,同店销售实现了28%的增幅。

    Tourists from China and other emerging markets such as Brazil also drove growth in Italy , where sales rose 28 per cent on a like-for-like basis .

  14. 他的战略基本上获得了华尔街的认可,尽管该公司的同店销售连续4年下滑,这是该公司面临的最艰难时期。

    His strategy has largely won over Wall Street , in spite of four years of consecutively falling comparable store sales , the toughest years the retailer has ever faced .

  15. 集团整体的同店销售增长6%,同样低于截至3月31日的上一财年增幅,但略高于分析师的预期。

    Comparable sales for the group as a whole rose 6 per cent , again lower than for the year to March 31 but slightly higher than analysts " forecasts .

  16. 该集团在英国的餐厅在截至1月11日的28周里实现6.8%的同店销售同比增长。

    The group 's UK restaurants saw a 6.8 per cent increase in like-for-like sales in the 28 weeks to 11 January , compared with the same period a year ago .

  17. 在2011年全年和2012年初还是百分之十几的同店销售增长率,在截至今年6月的三个月里已经降至6%,如今则完全停止增长。

    Same-store sales growth , which was in the teens through 2011 and early 2012 , had already slowed to 6 per cent in the three months to June and has now hit zero .

  18. 另外,从公司的基本表现来看,所谓公司东山再起的证据,是指同店销售连续四个月出现正向增长,而实际上,当时恰逢餐饮业最火爆的时节。

    The evidence for the company being back , in terms of its fundamental performance , is four months of positive same-store sales during the most favorable weather the restaurant industry has seen in years .

  19. 该公司未披露上年同期的同店销售增长数据,因其刚于去年12月首发上市。但相对于上一财政年度高达40%以上的年度同店销售额增幅,最新季度的业绩增长显著放缓。

    It gave no comparison with the same quarter a year ago since the company only went public in December , but the figures mark a sharp fall from annual same-store sales growth above 40 per cent the last fiscal year .