
  • 网络Beijing Tongrentang
  1. 东阿阿胶股份有限公司与北京同仁堂集团,都是既拥有辉煌历史、又能在新形势下实现现代化发展的中医药龙头企业。

    Shandong Dong-E-E-Jiao Corporation and Beijing Tongrentang , both are the leading companies of Chinese medicine industry , which have a great history and big achievements in the new situation .

  2. 北京同仁堂凭借供奉御药的独特历史资源,发挥集团化优势,实施多元化品牌战略,是中医药产业的旗帜和领军者。

    With the historical resources of supplying royal drugs , Beijing Tongrentang use the collectivize advantage , follow the strategy of market diversification , has become the landmark of Chinese medicine industry .

  3. 同仁堂六味地黄丸质量保障体系评述

    Comments on Quality Administration System of Liuwei Dihuang Pill in Tongrentang

  4. 同仁堂红参与高丽红参品质的初步比较研究&人参皂苷和人参多糖的含量测定

    Comparative study on quality of Tongrentang Red Ginseng and Korean Red Ginseng & determination of ginsenosides and polysaccharides

  5. 对同仁堂几个主要出口品种进行微波消解条件的研究和不同批次的测定。

    Chapter four studies the conditions of microwave digestion of several main export medicines and the determination of different kind medicines .

  6. 同仁堂瘦身上市&借港出海,走向世界20世纪70年代以后拉美国家大量举借外债的原因

    Tongrentang " in lean body " entered into stock market The reasons for Latin American Countries ' Massive Raising Loan After 1970s

  7. 排石颗粒是南京同仁堂药业有限责任公司在七十年代首创的一种专治泌尿系统结石的特效药。

    Function of Urinary Stones Discharging Capsule : It is the specific medicine for curing urinary tract stones made by Nanjing Tongren Tang .

  8. 本文最后用北京同仁堂这家老字号作为案例,对企业如何实现长寿进行了实证考察。

    At last , we use the operation of Beijing " Tong Ren Tang " company as an example to make a demonstration analysis to corporate longevity .

  9. 中国的同仁堂有这样一条古训:炮制虽繁,必不敢省人工;品味虽贵,必不敢省物力。

    China 's Tongren Temple has this kind of ancient precept : Concocts although numerous , must not dare to omit artificial ; Savors although is expensive , must not dare to omit physical resource .

  10. 基业长青是企业的共同愿望,然而杜邦、三井、同仁堂等长寿公司却凤毛麟角,大部分企业在初创期夭折,要么就是在经历一段时间的高速增长后销声匿迹。

    Everlasting is the common aspiration of enterprises , but the longevity companies such as DuPont , Mitsui and Tong Ren Tang are rare . The majority of enterprises fell down in the start-up period or disappeared after a period of rapid growth .