
  • 网络Stryker;stryker corporation
  1. 史赛克公司(Stryker)的创始人就是“翻身床”的发明者,借助这个设备,卧床的病人无需挪动身体就能改变在病床上的位置。顺其自然地,这家医疗设备制造商也向自家员工及其家属出借医疗床,分毫不收。

    Considering Stryker 's founder invented the turning frame -- a device that allows patients to be repositioned in bed while keeping their bodies immobile -- it only makes sense that this medical equipment manufacturer lends employees and their families medical beds , free of charge .

  2. 作为史赛克公司的员工,无论您是哪国公民,也无论您在哪个国家工作,您都必须遵守《反海外腐败行为法》的规定。

    Regardless of your citizenship or the country in which you work , as a Stryker employee , you are subject to the FCPA .