
shǐ qián shí qī
  • prehistoric;protohistory
  1. 猛犸在史前时期就已绝迹。

    Mammoths became extinct in prehistoric times .

  2. 这里还保存了许多史前时期的特征。

    The landscape also preserves many features of that prehistoric period .

  3. HLA抗原基因频率的这种梯度分布反映我们祖先自远古史前时期以来的不断迁移和相互融合的过程。

    The gradient distribution of HLA allele frequencies suggests the unceasing migration and mutual amalgamation of our ancestors since the remote pre-historic times .

  4. 同时,在史前时期,古文化的分布在很大程度上依赖环境条件,极端的水文事件或许会导致文化格局的重大调整,4000a的洪水对当时的文化造成了很大的冲击。

    It is proposed that in the ancient times the distribution of the cultures largely depended on the environmental conditions and that the extreme water events probably led to the adjustment of the cultural evolution .

  5. 可惜我们这儿没有史前时期的专家

    Well , unfortunately , there 's no authorities on prehistory ,

  6. 绘画始于史前时期洞穴墙壁上的蹙画。

    Painting originated in prehistoric times with murals drawn on cave walls .

  7. 史前时期讲完了吗?

    I mean , are we done with prehistory yet ?

  8. 在史前时期我不知道,也许得过一两次的肺炎

    In prehistory , I can 't tell you.Maybe pneumonia once or twice .

  9. 史前时期岫玉器初步研究

    Tentative Research on Jade Wares from Xiuyan in Prehistory

  10. 这座地下宫殿可能曾是避难所,但从史前时期起成为了大墓地。

    Perhaps originally a sanctuary , it became a necropolis in prehistoric times .

  11. 一些艺术再现也暗示了史前时期药物和酒精用于礼仪场合。

    Some artistic representations also hint atceremonial drug and alcohol use in prehistory .

  12. 史前时期的雕刻与陶塑

    The Sculptures and Earthen Statues of Prehistory Period

  13. 在史前时期,人们常常用燧石将他们打死的动物剥皮。

    In prehistoric times , people used flint to flay the animals they killed .

  14. 史前时期,农民便懂得春种秋收。

    SINCE time immemorial , farmers have planted their crops according to the seasons .

  15. 在我国史前时期曾存在着捐弃房屋的风俗。

    The custom of abandoning house ever existed in the prehistoric period of China .

  16. 人类史前时期的风俗画&读《贾植芳小说选》

    The Genre Painting on Prehistoric Era : Selected Short Stories of Jia Zhifang ;

  17. 实心蹄食草性四足动物,从史前时期就开始驯养。

    Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times .

  18. 追溯绘画的渊源,首先会想到史前时期那些画在陶器上的纹饰。

    Chinese painting is rooted in the decorative striations or patterns on prehistoric pottery .

  19. 二次葬是史前时期普遍存在的一种埋葬方式。

    The secondary joint burials are a bury mode of ubiquity in prehistorical period .

  20. 然而许多大型植物剂被发现并提供了强有力的证据,证明在史前时期人们使用过改变意识的物质。

    Yet many archaeobotanical finds providestrong evidence for the prehistoric use of mind-altering substances .

  21. 新疆史前时期考古学研究现状

    Curent Conditions of Prehistoric Archaeology in Xinjiang

  22. 我们这里讲的内容是史前时期的艺术!

    We are talking about prehistory here .

  23. 第三部分:皖北地区史前时期的自然环境与气候。

    Part III discusses the environment and climate during the prehistoric period in Northern Anhui .

  24. 新疆史前时期考古学的研究,已经取得一批丰富的考古材料和科研成果。

    Xinjiang 's prehistory age archaeology research work have got a lot of archaeological achievements .

  25. 有些史前时期的人住在洞穴里。

    Some prehistoric people lived in caves .

  26. 史前时期新疆的环境与考古学研究

    Prehistoric Xinjiang : Environment and Archaeology

  27. 史前时期的猎人使用矛与火猎捕许多大型动物,迫使他们绝种。

    Prehistoric human hunters , using spears and fire , drove many large animals to extinction .

  28. 文字记载中的史前时期历史

    History of Pre-history in Written Records

  29. 史前时期动物的完整尸体,是由于北极严寒的保护不致腐烂。

    The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold .

  30. 史前时期的世界各文明起源地均遗留下了与太阳崇拜有关的遗迹、遗物。

    Prehistoric origins of world civilization are left with the sun worship of relics , artifacts .