
kěn ní yà
  • Kenya
肯尼亚 [kěn ní yà]
  • [Kenya] 肯尼亚共和国位于非洲东部,地跨赤道,东南临印度洋。面积582646平方公里,人口22397000,首都内罗毕

肯尼亚[kěn ní yà]
  1. 肯尼亚的牛肉是瘤牛肉。

    Kenya 's beef comes from the zebu cattle .

  2. 肯尼亚北部也感觉到了最近的地震活动。

    The latest seismic activity was also felt in northern Kenya .

  3. 这些条件可能对肯尼亚赛跑运动员有利。

    The conditions may tilt the balance in favour of the Kenyan runners .

  4. 肯尼亚人口正以每年4.1%的速度增长。

    Kenya 's population is growing at 4.1 per cent per annum .

  5. 肯尼亚的长跑运动员在田径界获得了巨大成功。

    Kenya 's long distance runners have taken the athletics world by storm .

  6. 一些教会领袖明确表示支持肯尼亚的政治改革。

    Some church leaders have been outspoken in their support for political reform in Kenya

  7. 行程的首段是乘船到肯尼亚的奈瓦沙湖。

    The first leg of the journey was by boat to Lake Naivasha in Kenya .

  8. 在肯尼亚东部的塔纳河一带经常发现陷入沼泽的大象。

    Elephants were often to be found in swamp in eastern Kenya around the Tana River .

  9. 她又走了,去年去了肯尼亚,今年则是果阿。

    She was off again . Last year she had been to Kenya . This year it was Goa

  10. 他们费了很大力气将两只黑猩猩从肯尼亚运送到英格兰。

    They carted two chimpanzees from Kenya to england .

  11. 肯尼亚首都内罗毕一位大学生那天因违章驾车被拦住。

    A university student in nairobi , kenya , was stopped for a traffic violation the other day .

  12. 尽管得到莫斯科支持这一点是清楚的,可是肯尼亚在对付这个问题时仍然很手软。

    Although he apparently has moscow 's back , kenya is dealing with it from a very weak hand .

  13. 佛罗伦斯是其中320名肯尼亚女孩中的第一名。

    Florence was the first of 320 Kenyan girls among them .

  14. 佛罗伦斯住在非洲肯尼亚的乡下。

    Florence lived in the countryside of Kenya in Africa .

  15. "她是肯尼亚所有女孩的榜样。"

    " She is an example for all girls in Kenya . "

  16. 1991年,丽莎首次访问肯尼亚。

    In 1991 , Lisa first visited Kenya .

  17. 两年后,她开始在美国帮忙销售肯尼亚工艺品。

    Two years later , she started to help sell the Kenyan craf in the US .

  18. 在肯尼亚,马尔奇人的传统是用象牙、木头或石头在耳朵上穿孔,使耳垂变长。

    In Kenya , it is a tradition among the Marci men and women to pierce and then make their ear lobeslonger using ivory and wood or stones .

  19. 我是图雷尔,我来自基腾格拉,一个位于肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园边缘的农业社区。从九岁起,我就帮忙照看家里的奶牛。

    I am Turere . I come from Kitengela , a farming community on the edge of Nairobi National Park of Kenya . Since the age of nine , I have helped to look after my family 's cows .

  20. 在长跑方面有多牛呢?威尔森·基普桑生于1982年3月15日,是一名肯尼亚长跑运动员。他参加的赛事从10公里长跑到马拉松级别的都有。

    Wilson Kipsang Kiprotich ( born 15 March 1982 ) is a Kenyan athlete who specialises in long-distance running , competing in events ranging from 10 km to the marathon .

  21. 在这场清晨举办的拍卖会上,买家们现在需要考虑对欧盟外地区种植的花卉所征收的8%的税,比如分类后被运往英国的肯尼亚玫瑰。

    The buyers at this very early morning auction6 now factor in an eight per cent tax on flowers grown outside the EU , like roses from Kenya that are sorted and sent on to the UK .

  22. MarkMatunga是肯尼亚微软东非办事处工作人员。

    Mark Matunga is with Microsoft East Africa in Kenya .

  23. 设在肯尼亚内罗毕的这个中心为调查、测绘、遥感和GIS提供能力建设和顾问服务。

    Based in Nairobi , Kenya , it provides capacity building and advisory services for surveying , mapping , remote sensing and GIS .

  24. 其次是尼安萨省,该地区的HIV感染发生率在肯尼亚位居榜首。

    The next greatest increase was in Nyanza province , which has the highest prevalence of HIV infection in Kenya .

  25. 用HPLC分析比较了广西红碎茶与肯尼亚红碎茶的化学成分,研究了红碎茶化学成分与品质的关系。

    An HPLC method was used to study chemical composition of Guangxi and Kenyanbroken black teas and their relationship with tea quality .

  26. IBM曾将团队派往埃及、印度、肯尼亚和尼日利亚,在这些地区,科技巨头IBM发展势头强劲。

    IBM has sent teams to Egypt , India , Kenya , and Nigeria , all strong growth regions for the technology giant .

  27. 尽管有这些曲解,icc在肯尼亚还是拥有广泛支持。

    Despite these contortions , the ICC still has popular support in Kenya .

  28. 阿斯贝尔·基普罗斯是一名肯尼亚跑步运动员,因未能通过EPO测试而于2019年被禁赛。

    Asbel Kiprop is a Kenyan runner banned in 2019 for failing an EPO test .

  29. 众所周知,威廉王子在非洲肯尼亚求婚凯特·米德尔顿(KateMiddleton)。

    Africa is notably the place that Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton , in Kenya .

  30. 肯尼亚农业部部长WilliamRuto指责政府的经济侧重点。

    Kenyan minister of agriculture William Ruto also chides his government 's financial priorities .