
  • 网络Kent;The University of Kent;Kent University;University of Kent at Canterbury
  1. 我在肯特大学的同事心理学家查理•哈代(CharlieHardy)和马克•范福特(MarkVanVugt)最近进行的研究表明好人有好报。

    New research by my University of Kent psychologist colleagues Charlie Hardy and Mark Van Vugt indicates that nice guys come first .

  2. 进行上述研究的肯特大学(kentuniversity)经济学家弗朗西斯格林(francisgreen)称,这个数字如此之高并不令人意外,因为大学毕业生“无疑正在涌入劳动力市场”。

    Francis green , an economist at Kent University who carried out the research , said the high figures were not surprising , since graduates were " absolutely pouring into the labour market " .

  3. 极限编程是由肯特大学工作期间,贝克的克莱斯勒综合补偿系统(体C3)工资项目。

    ExtremeProgramming was created by Kent Beck during his work on the ChryslerComprehensive Compensation System ( C3 ) payroll project .

  4. 肯特大学的francisgreen则发现,2001年有四分之一的大学毕业生在不需要学位的地方工作,到2006年则增加到三分之一,他们比那些靠自己学位赚钱的人工资少三分之一。

    And Francis green , of Kent University , has discovered that in 2006 a third of graduates were working in jobs that did not require a degree , up from a quarter in 2001 ; they earned a third less than those who were using their degrees .

  5. 伯杰研究团队成员、英格兰肯特大学(UniversityofKent)的翠西·凯威尔(TracyKivell)说,让她十分惊讶的是,纳勒迪人“有极度弯曲的手指,比任何早期人亚族物种都要弯,清楚地表明了他们的攀爬能力。”

    Tracy Kivell of the University of Kent , in England , an associate of Dr. Berger 's team , was struck by H. naledi 's " extremely curved fingers , more curved than almost any other species of early hominin , which clearly demonstrates climbing capabilities . "

  6. 肯特大学的研究人员让149名参与调查的学生记日记,为期3天到14天不等。

    Researchers from the University of Kent had 149 students keep a diary for between three to 14 days .

  7. 她一直在家由父母教育,父亲曾赫罗·南丁格尔寰球人物·是前肯特大学的常务副校长。

    She has been taught at home by her mother and father , the pro-vice chancellor of Kent University .

  8. 课程由浸大数学系和肯特大学商学院的学者亲身来港任教。

    The course will be taught by staff from HKBU 's Department of Mathematics and the University of Kent 's Business School .

  9. 肯特大学的这一研究得出结论说,学校应该避免把学生按能力进行分组,因为这一行为经常导致女孩在成绩上以绝对优势居于前列。

    Schools should avoid dividing pupils into ability groups because the practice often results in girls dominating the higher-achieving tables , concluded the Kent University research .

  10. 多年前,我在肯特大学学习国际政治的时候,曾经参加了一个活动,其中包括出席牛津的一场辩论会。

    When I was a student of international politics in Kent University many years ago , I took part in a program which included an Oxford Union debate .

  11. 肯特大学的社会学教授弗兰克.弗莱迪说:“研究生被视为是情感脆弱的病人,需要治疗性干预才能正常工作。”

    And sociology professor Frank Furedi , from Kent University , said : ' Postgraduates are being treated as emotionally fragile patients who require therapeutic intervention to function . "

  12. 该发现来自于阿姆斯特丹大学的马克范伍格特教授与乔安娜范胡芙博士,以及肯特大学博士后海伦克劳福共同进行的一项研究。

    The findings come from a study by Professor Mark van Vugt and Dr Johanna van Hooff of the University of Amsterdam , and postgraduate student Helen Crawford from the University of Kent .

  13. 一份为肯特大学和“老年问题”慈善机构进行的调查显示英国普遍存在对老年人的歧视。在英国人们普遍认为到49岁就不再年轻了,而65岁是步入老年的标志。

    A new survey compiled for the University of Kent and the charity Age Concern showed ageism was rife in Britain where people , on average , see youth as ending at49 and old age beginning at65 .

  14. 弗兰克-福瑞迪是肯特大学的社会学教授,他说:人们总是把年轻人当孩子看待,结果造成很多年轻人到了20大几岁还住在父母家里。

    Frank Furedi , professor of sociology at the University of Kent , says we have infantilized young people and this has led to a growing number of young men and women in their late 20s still living at home .

  15. 该研究由阿姆斯特丹大学的马克·凡·福特教授和约汉娜·凡·胡夫博士以及肯特大学的研究生海伦·克劳馥共同开展。研究报告将在牛津大学的《社会认知与情感神经学》期刊上发表。

    Professor Mark van Vugt and Dr Johanna van Hooff , from the University of Amsterdam , and postgraduate student Helen Crawford , from the University of Kent , were behind the study which is to be published by the Oxford Journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience .

  16. 本案为肯特大学的学术研究院,整个建筑充分体现了一个现代前瞻的学校形象,并考虑保持其同周围原有建筑以及查塔姆海运世界遗址和海动传统的一致与和谐。

    This case is the Academic Research of University of Kent . The whole building completely expresses the modern-school image , and takes the maintenances of consistent and harmonious with the original constructions surrounding , Chatham seaborne world heritage site and the tradition of the seaborne into consideration .

  17. 多年前,我在肯特大学学习国际政治的时候,曾经参加了一个活动,其中包括出席牛津的一场辩论会。记得当时我们提了许多让演讲者很为难的问题,现在轮到我来接受烘烤了。

    When I was a student of international politics in Kent University many years ago , I took part in a program which included an Oxford Union debate . I remember we gave the speaker very hard time . Now it 's my turn to be on the grill .

  18. 1月9日,美国心理科学协会发布了一篇全面的报告。肯特州大学的教授JohnDunlosky同其他作者一起,仔细研究了十种学习技巧,并基于他们收集的证据,根据实用性的高低给这些学习技巧打了分。

    In a comprehensive report released on Jan. 9 by the Association for Psychological Science , the authors , led by Kent State University professor John Dunlosky , closely examine 10 learning tactics and rate each from high to low utility on the basis of the evidence they 've amassed .

  19. 他在俄亥俄州的一个小镇长大,然后又在肯特州立大学学习一年。

    He grew up in a small town in Ohio and then went to Kent State University for one year .