
  • 网络Kennedy Space Center;KSC;John F Kennedy Space Center;NASA-KSC
  1. 由于美国佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心今早出现闪电,NASA被迫终止“发现”号航天飞机的发射。

    Lighting earlier this morning near the Kennedy Space Center in Florida forced NASA to the launch the Space Shuttle Discovery .

  2. 昨天,“发现号”着陆时,JohnZarrella在肯尼迪航天中心。

    John Zarrella was at the Kennedy Space Center when Discovery landed yesterday .

  3. 去年,蓝色起源与SpaceX竞标NASA在肯尼迪航天中心(KennedySpaceCenter)用于发射航天飞机的两个发射台之一,蓝色起源最后落败。

    Blue Origin lost another skirmish with SpaceX last year in the bidding to take over one of two launch pads at the Kennedy Space Center that NASA used for the space shuttles .

  4. 美国东部时间11月15日晚7点27分,“龙”飞船搭乘SpaceX“猎鹰9”火箭从肯尼迪航天中心历史性的LC-39A发射台升空。

    The spacecraft lifted off on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket at 7:27 pm EST Sunday , from historic Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center .

  5. NASA对马斯克如此有信心,甚至给予SpaceX许可证,允许其使用具有历史意义的肯尼迪航天中心39A发射台(Launchpad39A),即尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(NeilArmstrong)、巴兹·奥尔德林(BuzzAldrin)和迈克尔·科林斯(MichaelCollins)1969年登月时的发射台。

    Such has been Nasa 's faith in Mr Musk that it has even granted SpaceX a licence to operate from the hallowed ground of Launchpad 39A , the site from which Neil Armstrong , Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins blasted off to the Moon in 1969 .

  6. 周围形成一个排气云奋进号航天飞机发射的第39A腾飞垫美国宇航局在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心将在执行STS-134任务的国际空间站的天空。

    An exhaust cloud forms around Launch Pad39A at NASA 's Kennedy Space Center in Florida as space shuttle Endeavour soars into the sky on the STS-134 mission to the International Space Station .

  7. 但是肯尼迪航天中心将会成为新一代的宇航船基地。

    But someday Kennedy will host a new generation of spacecraft .

  8. 奋进号预计于周五返回佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心。

    Endeavour is due back at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Friday .

  9. 当轨道器从外太空返回地球时,它在肯尼迪航天中心着陆。

    When the orbiter returns from space , it lands at Kennedy Space Center .

  10. 航天飞机最后一刻安全降落在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心。

    The space shuttle landed safely at Kennedy Space Center in Florida the last hour .

  11. 成百上千人聚集在肯尼迪航天中心的游客中心,观看航天飞机回归。

    Hundreds of people gathered at the Kennedy Space Center Visitors Center to watch the shuttle return .

  12. 我看着发现号在一团浓烟和火焰中从肯尼迪航天中心升空。

    I watched Discovery lift off from Kennedy Space Center in a plume of smoke and flame .

  13. 天气报告正从位于佛罗里达州的着陆点肯尼迪航天中心发送过来。

    Weather reports were coming in from the landing site at the Kennedy Space Center , in Florida .

  14. 六名机组乘员在星期三原定发射前飞回肯尼迪航天中心。

    The six crew members flew back to the Kennedy Space Center ahead of Wednesday 's planned liftoff .

  15. 在星期一日出前不久,“”号航天飞机在佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心点火升空,接近轨道。

    Discovery blasted off from Kennedy Space Center in Florida and rose toward orbit shortly before sunrise on Monday .

  16. 他们被给予了充分的时间去整理物品,以做好可能提前一天回到肯尼迪航天中心的准备。

    They are giving the crew time to pack up and get ready for a possible one-day-early-return at Kennedy Space center .

  17. 这是哥伦比亚号1999年6月7日被安置在肯尼迪航天中心发射架上的资料图片。

    Columbia is pictured atop launch pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center in this June 7 , 1999 file photo .

  18. 奋进号航天飞机在肯尼迪航天中心爆发出的欢呼声中发射进入清晨明亮的天空。

    The space shuttle Endeavour blasted off into the bright morning sky as a cheer went up across the Kennedy Space Center .

  19. 一年多前,发现号从肯尼迪航天中心出发,完成了最后一次太空使命。

    It was a little more than a year ago that Discovery lifted off from the Kennedy Space Center on its final mission .

  20. 摄影师以亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机起飞升降机图片2010年5月14日在美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角。

    Photographers take images as the Space Shuttle Atlantis lifts off May14,2010 at NASA 's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral , Florida .

  21. 首先,你是在肯尼迪航天中心,无论我们是否有一次航天飞机任务,这都涉及很多其他历史上人类太空飞行起源。

    First , you are at the Kennedy space wherever we had a shuttle mission and so many other historic human space flights have originated .

  22. 发现号航天飞机降落在肯尼迪航天中心,因为佛罗里达的坏天气返航至少耽搁了一天的时间。

    The landing of the shuttle Discovery at the Kennedy Space Center has been delayed for at least a day due to bad weather in Florida .

  23. 阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机发射台上坐在39-1在准备发射后从肯尼迪航天中心今天向国际空间站2010年5月14日在卡纳维拉尔角。

    Space Shuttle Atlantis sits on launch pad39-a in preparation for launch later today from Kennedy Space Center to the International Space Station May14,2010 in Cape Canaveral .

  24. 计划的推迟让宇航员的家属们很失望,他们正在肯尼迪航天中心等待亲人在近两周艰苦的太空工作后能平安归来。

    The delay disappointed the astronauts " families , who were waiting at Kennedy Space Center for their loved ones " return after nearly two stressful weeks in orbit .

  25. 2006年7月17日,美国发现号航天飞机在肯尼迪航天中心安全着陆,这也让美国宇航局决定重启已搁置3年的国际空间站扩建计划。

    The space shuttle Discovery glided to a smooth touchdown at the Kennedy Space Center on July 17th appears to clear the way for resumption of station assembly in US .

  26. 本来这个星期一将是航天飞机发射的倒数第三日,也就是说按照原计划这星期四航天飞机应该从肯尼迪航天中心发射升空。

    A three-day countdown for a mission to the international space station had been scheduled to start on Monday , leading to a Thursday liftoff from the Kennedy Space Center .

  27. 对于额外延迟的担心促使美国国家航空和航天管理局挤掉月球侦察卫星从肯尼迪航天中心发射的计划,给“奋进号”在星期三发射的第二次机会。

    Concerns about additional delays prompted NASA to bump the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter from Kennedy Space Center 's launch schedule to give Endeavour a second chance to launch , on Wednesday .

  28. 它包括三个助推器和27个引擎,上千人围在肯尼迪航天中心附近的海滩、桥梁以及公路上观看了这场发射。

    The three boosters and 27 engines roared to life at Kennedy Space Center , as thousands jammed surrounding beaches , bridges and roads to watch the rocket soar into space .

  29. 正值肯尼迪航天中心50周年庆之际,街景为太空中心(阿波罗起飞点和太空梭任务)添加了6000多张图像。

    In honor of the center 's 50th anniversary , Street View is adding more than 6000 images of the Space Center , the starting point for Apollo and space shuttle missions .

  30. 在完成了13天的国际空间站的设备安装任务之后,星期二美国“奋进号”航天飞机提前一天返回地面并安全地在佛罗里达州的肯尼迪航天中心着陆。

    Space shuttle Endeavour landed safely at the Kennedy Space Center , Florida , on Tuesday after completing a shortened , 13-day construction mission to the International Space Station ( ISS ) .