
  • Kenny
  1. 肯尼被临时雇来看门。

    Kenny had been pressed into service to guard the door .

  2. “啊!”肯尼眨了眨眼睛,“人都走了吗?”

    ' Oh ! ' Kenny blinked . ' Has everyone gone ? '

  3. 尼科差点儿把瓶子摔了,这让肯尼倒吸了一口气。

    Kenny caught his breath as Nikko nearly dropped the bottle .

  4. 肯尼在许多椅子中间艰难穿行,像螃蟹一样横着向门口挪去。

    Kenny , struggling with too many chairs , moved crabwise towards the door .

  5. 吃晚饭时疑惑消除了:原来他们把我当成肯尼了。

    During dinner the confusion was cleared up : they had mistaken me for Kenny .

  6. 肯尼在锋线上拥有令人垂涎的CS组,但是仍然需要合格的替补前锋。

    Kenny has got Carroll and Luis Suarez but you need back-up as well .

  7. 布鲁克林区则包含植物园、科尼岛(一座有游乐场的海滩)和约翰.肯尼?f国际机场。

    Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens , Coney Island ( a beach with an amusement park ), and J.F.K.International Airport .

  8. 在《天生我才》(BorntoRise)一书中,肯尼娓娓道来,回忆了多年致力于提供优质教育这段“亦师亦生”的历程。

    In born to rise , Kenny takes us on her long but rewarding journey to deliver great education , one teacher and student at a time .

  9. 普京是在缅因州肯尼邦克港与美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)进行非正式会谈时提出上述计划的。

    The proposal was made during informal talks with US president George W. Bush in Kennebunkport , Maine .

  10. 这意味着很少会有人心血来潮去店里购买立体脆(Doritos)、山露威士忌(MountainDew)和肯尼•罗根斯的精选专辑(KennyLogginscompilationalbums)。

    That means fewer impulse purchases of Doritos , Mountain Dew and Kenny Loggins compilation albums .

  11. 38岁的詹森•肯尼(JasonKenney)愉快地承认,这些天来他吃了很多的咖喱。

    Jason Kenney gladly acknowledges that he is eating a lot of curry these days .

  12. 肯尼?罗杰斯(KennyRogers)在通过百代(EMI)旗下的国会唱片公司(CapitolRecords)发行的一首歌中,这样低声吟唱道:“聪明的牌手知道何时叫牌,他懂得扣牌的时机,他还明白几时该重返牌局”。

    A WISE gamble involves knowing when to hold , when to fold and when to run , croons Kenny Rogers , an artist released through EMI 's Capitol Records .

  13. WeFarm首席执行官肯尼•埃万(KennyEwan)开发了这项服务,此前他曾供职于总部位于英国的慈善组织CafédirectProducers’Foundation以及其他非政府组织,其间在拉美工作过。

    Kenny Ewan , WeFarm 's chief executive , developed the service following experience working in Latin America with Caf é direct Producers " Foundation , a UK-based charity , and other non-governmental bodies .

  14. 在一个阳光灿烂的周五下午,当加拿大移民部部长贾森·T·肯尼(JasonT.Kenney)前来参观500创业项目时,他领略到了此地能够吸引外国人的原因。

    When Canada 's immigration minister , Jason T. Kenney , came to visit 500 Startups recently , on a gloriously sunny Friday afternoon , he got a taste of what attracts foreigners .

  15. 尽管制作方并未隐藏他们的计划,经济学家查尔斯•肯尼(CharlesKenny)认为“在道德和一堆规则之间争论的困境”可能存在。

    Although producers do not hide their agendas , Charles Kenny , an economist , thinks that there could be a " quagmire of a debate over morals and a tangle of regulation . "

  16. 肯尼在对爱尔兰Cloyne教区的相关指控进行了调查之后发表了该评论。

    Mr Kenny 's comments followed an investigation into accusations relating to the Irish diocese of Cloyne .

  17. 她最好的朋友米姬后来因为怀孕而遭到下架。此外,这群批评人士大概也不会喜欢有些人在YouTube这类网站上让芭比利肯尼做的动作。

    Her best friend , Midge , was pulled from the shelves when she fell pregnant , and the same critics probably wouldn 't like what some people get Barbie and Ken to do on Web sites like YouTube .

  18. 此前一份报道指控教堂妨碍对虐童事件的调查,爱尔兰总理恩达•肯尼(EndaKenny)强烈批评了天主教堂。

    It follows strong criticism of the Church by the Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny after a report was published accusing the Church of sabotaging an investigation into the rape of children .

  19. 这位前西班牙U-21国脚热衷于能参加欧冠的队伍,但他已被国王肯尼和安菲尔德老板的野心所说服。

    The former Spain U21 international was keen on moving to a Champions League club but has been persuaded by Dalglish and the owners ambitions for Anfield .

  20. 霍伊与菲利普•辛德思(PhillipHindes)、杰森•肯尼(JasonKenny)在奥运男子团体自行车赛中成功卫冕。目前克里斯已经赢得五枚奥运金牌和一枚银牌,包括2008年北京奥运的三枚金牌和2004年雅典奥运的一枚金牌。

    Riding with Phillip Hindes and Jason Kenny in successfully defending their Olympic men 's team sprint title , Sir Chris now has five cycling golds and a silver , having won three golds in Beijing in 2008 and one in Athens in 2004 .

  21. 我有一个新的南方公园肯尼玩偶!

    A : I got a new South Park Kenny doll !

  22. 肯尼:你明天晚上一定要到我那家酒店来。

    Kenny : You must come to my local tomorrow evening .

  23. 肯尼表示,在下一份预算中,可能会进一步提高相关补助。

    Mr Kenney says the next budget may include another increase .

  24. 肯尼,你应该吃点更营养的东西。

    Kenny , you 've got to eat something more nourishing .

  25. 甚至肯尼的海猴“的水下”庞然大物?

    Perhaps even Kenny 's Sea Monkey " underwater " behemoth ?

  26. 如果找不到肯尼可能我就永远

    If I can 't find Kenny , I may never know

  27. 肯尼说我说了姚明不能打。

    Kenny said that I said Yao Ming couldn 't play .

  28. 我出生成长在基肯尼,一直到我九岁。

    I was born and reared in Kilkenny till I was9 .

  29. 肯尼科特慢慢地开始懂得,她是有意要回避他。

    Kennicott slowly understood that she meant to keep up her seclusion .

  30. 当我们得到肯尼-达格利什时,我的请求得到了答复。

    My plea was answered when we got Kenny Dalglish .