
  • 网络Kendall's coefficient of concordance;Kendall coefficient of concordance;the kandall coefficient of concordace;Kendall's W
  1. 客观性分析:计算实验组各测试项目的肯德尔和谐系数(w)在0.77~0.90,说明利用新评价体系对学生的评价是客观的。

    Analysis of objectivity . To calculate the Kendall 's concordance coefficient ( w ) of each testing item in the group between 0.77 & 0.90 , it shows that the new system is quite objective .

  2. 利用肯德尔和谐系数检验测量结果的可信度

    Practical Application of Kender 's Harmonious Coefficient in Faithfulness in Measurement and Test Results

  3. 肯德尔和谐系数的实际运用

    Practical Application of Kenders Harmonious Coefficient

  4. 本文还运用肯德尔和谐系数进行教师和学习者评价一致性的分析,确保评价的公平公正。

    And this paper applied Kendall coefficient to analysis the consistency of teachers and learners ' evaluations , to ensure justice .

  5. 为了使比较更有说服力,文章设计了一个实验,使用肯德尔和谐系数来证明实验结果的一致性和图像比较结果的正确性。

    In order to make the comparison more convincing , this article designed an experiment , using the Kendall harmonious coefficient to prove the consistency of the experimental result and the correctness of the image comparison result .