
  • 网络kent;University of Kent;Kentish;Kanter
  1. 肯特公爵及公爵夫人阁下。

    Their Graces the Duke and Duchess of Kent .

  2. 超人的第二自我是克拉克∙肯特。

    Superman 's alter ego was Clark Kent .

  3. 那是肯特一家的生活中一段幸福的插曲。

    It was a happy interlude in the Kents ' life

  4. 肯特公爵夫人殿下最近为一个艺术展览揭幕。

    Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent opened an art exhibition recently .

  5. 单从规模和气势来说,肯特的利兹城堡独领风骚。

    For sheer scale and grandeur , Leeds Castle in Kent takes some beating .

  6. 肯特亲王迈克尔颁发了奖品。

    Prince Michael of Kent presented the prizes

  7. 两个公司的总部都设在肯特市。

    Both firms are based in Kent

  8. 多年不见后,肯特突然走进来使我大吃一惊。

    I could have fallen off my chair when Kent walked in after all those years !

  9. 玛丽希望肯特能马上把他此行的目的开诚布公地讲讲,但他没有这样做。

    Mary hoped that Kent would open up at once about his visit , but he didn 't.

  10. 可不就是她吗!面庞比在肯特基故乡时苍白消瘦,无限忧郁隐藏在她眉宇之间。

    There she is , paler and thinner than in her Kentucky home , with a world of quiet sorrow lying under the shadow of her long eyelashes .

  11. 专家称,去年十月在印度最早发现的名为B.1.617.2的新冠变种毒株比在英国肯特发现的名为B.1.1.7的毒株传染性更强。

    The variant of Covid-19 first identified in India last October - called B.1.617.2 - is more transmissible than the UK / Kent variant - also known as B.1.1.7 - according to experts .

  12. 在与记者的电话会议上,bp高级副总裁肯特.维尔斯对这个工程进行了解释。

    In a conference call with reporters , BP senior vice president Kent Wells explained .

  13. 去年,肯特•凯德尔接管了伦敦管理咨询公司控制风险集团(ControlRisks)的亚洲业务,他知道自己肯定会遇到大麻烦。

    Kent kedl knew he had big problems last year when he took the helm of the Asia practice of London-based management consulting firm control risks .

  14. 比赛后回到更衣室之后再度现身时,他们看上去就像克拉克•肯特(ClarkKent,超人在平时生活中的身份)了。

    Then they return to the locker room and come out looking like Clark Kent .

  15. 9:09:展会负责人保罗•肯特手持白色iPad登上舞台,同时公布了几个注意事项。

    9:09 : Paul Kent , who runs the Expo , takes the stage with white iPad and some announcements .

  16. 极限编程是由肯特大学工作期间,贝克的克莱斯勒综合补偿系统(体C3)工资项目。

    ExtremeProgramming was created by Kent Beck during his work on the ChryslerComprehensive Compensation System ( C3 ) payroll project .

  17. 而NHS的梅德韦、肯特分处,已经在向抚恤金领取者提供性方面的建议。

    And the NHS in Medway , Kent , have even started producing sex advice to pensioners .

  18. 我在肯特大学的同事心理学家查理•哈代(CharlieHardy)和马克•范福特(MarkVanVugt)最近进行的研究表明好人有好报。

    New research by my University of Kent psychologist colleagues Charlie Hardy and Mark Van Vugt indicates that nice guys come first .

  19. 这个罕见的店名本是一首歌,原唱是瑞典深受欢迎的摇滚乐队肯特(Kent),这片轻松休闲的空间总是回荡着它忧伤的旋律。

    The unusual name references a song by the popular Swedish rock band Kent , whose melancholy melodies fill the casual space .

  20. 进行上述研究的肯特大学(kentuniversity)经济学家弗朗西斯格林(francisgreen)称,这个数字如此之高并不令人意外,因为大学毕业生“无疑正在涌入劳动力市场”。

    Francis green , an economist at Kent University who carried out the research , said the high figures were not surprising , since graduates were " absolutely pouring into the labour market " .

  21. 这只被救猫的主人是马特·泰奥弗(MattTaghioff),来自肯特贝肯汉姆。猫猫目前已经虏获了上万粉丝,大家都喜欢她的震惊脸。

    The rescue kitten - who lives with owner Matt Taghioff in Beckenham , Kent - has amassed thousands of followers who enjoy her startled look .

  22. 康涅狄格州肯特的麻渥伍德中学(MarvelwoodSchool)校长古蒂尔(ArthurGoodearlJr.)说,该校本学年从中国大陆招收了30名学生。

    Arthur Goodearl Jr. , head of Marvelwood School in Kent , Conn. , which has 150 students , said the school accepted 30 applicants from mainland China this academic year . '

  23. 在大约第七英里(约合11.3公里)的时候,我们到了肯特•布朗酒庄(ChateauCantenacBrown),在这里我们第一次品尝了葡萄酒。这对我造成的冲击比其他任何能量饮料都大。

    At around mile seven , we get our first taste at Chateau Cantenac Brown , and it does far more for me than any energy drink ever has .

  24. 1月9日,美国心理科学协会发布了一篇全面的报告。肯特州大学的教授JohnDunlosky同其他作者一起,仔细研究了十种学习技巧,并基于他们收集的证据,根据实用性的高低给这些学习技巧打了分。

    In a comprehensive report released on Jan. 9 by the Association for Psychological Science , the authors , led by Kent State University professor John Dunlosky , closely examine 10 learning tactics and rate each from high to low utility on the basis of the evidence they 've amassed .

  25. 肯特大学的francisgreen则发现,2001年有四分之一的大学毕业生在不需要学位的地方工作,到2006年则增加到三分之一,他们比那些靠自己学位赚钱的人工资少三分之一。

    And Francis green , of Kent University , has discovered that in 2006 a third of graduates were working in jobs that did not require a degree , up from a quarter in 2001 ; they earned a third less than those who were using their degrees .

  26. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-尚佩恩分校(UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign)荣誉教授、定价问题专家肯特•门罗(KentMonroe)主张,学术书籍的价格已经超出“可接受的范围”,以至于大多数学生现在都在寻找获取课本的替代办法。

    Kent Monroe , a pricing expert and professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , claims that academic books have risen above the " acceptable price range " such that most students now find alternative ways to access texts .

  27. 伯杰研究团队成员、英格兰肯特大学(UniversityofKent)的翠西·凯威尔(TracyKivell)说,让她十分惊讶的是,纳勒迪人“有极度弯曲的手指,比任何早期人亚族物种都要弯,清楚地表明了他们的攀爬能力。”

    Tracy Kivell of the University of Kent , in England , an associate of Dr. Berger 's team , was struck by H. naledi 's " extremely curved fingers , more curved than almost any other species of early hominin , which clearly demonstrates climbing capabilities . "

  28. 文中显示了英国肯特Teston桥和一系列其它样本设计优化的试算结果及相关的算法有效性数据。

    Trials showing results from Teston Bridge , Kent in England and a range of other sample optimal arch designs are presented with associated algorithm efficiency data .

  29. 肯特(W.KentMuhlbauer)管道风险评价法是一种半定量风险评价法,但是该方法在我国还处在起步阶段,其理论基础和应用技术都很不完善。

    The pipeline risk assessment presented by W. Kent Muhlbauer is a method of semi-quantitative risk assessment . The application of this method is just at the beginning stage in our country .

  30. 449年,一位朱特族长成为了肯特的国王。

    A Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449 .