
hánɡ kōnɡ ān quán
  • aviation safety
  1. 根据航空安全网络(AviationSafetyNetwork)的数据,就事故次数而言,去年是自1945年以来最安全的一年;1945年时,商业航空仍处于襁褓时期,航班数量与当今不可同日而语。

    Last year was the safest in terms of number of accidents since 1945 – according to the Aviation Safety Network – when commercial aviation was in its infancy and a fraction of the number of flights operated compared with today .

  2. 近年来台湾在航空安全记录方面表现糟糕。2002年,华航(ChinaAirlines)一架波音747(Boeing747)客机在从台北飞往香港途中解体,造成225人遇难。

    Taiwan has had a poor aviation safety record in recent years , including the disintegration of a China Airlines Boeing 747 on a flight from Taipei to Hong Kong in 2002 , killing 225 .

  3. 航空安全自从20世纪70年代得到显著提高之后,至今再没有任何改善。

    Air safety has not improved since the dramatic advances of the 1970s

  4. 《民用航空安全保卫条例》修订草案规定,国内所有民航从业人员都必须接受安全背景调查。

    According to the draft of the revised Regulation on Safety and Security of Civil Aviation , all of the country 's civil aviation personnel must undergo background security investigations1 .

  5. 基于Agent的航空安全管理智能决策支持系统

    Agent-based Aviation Events Management Intelligence Decision Support System

  6. 基于SOA的航空安全生产辅助系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Implementation of Accessorial Aviation System of Safe Flight on SOA

  7. 国际航空安全调查员协会(InternationalSocietyofAirSafetyInvestigators)前主席斯通(RichardB.Stone)说,如果飞机坠入海洋,则其搜寻工作将十分困难。

    ' If a plane goes down in the ocean , it 's very difficult to find it , ' said Richard B. Stone , a former president of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators .

  8. ICAO是联合国下设的航空安全组织。

    ICAO is the air-safety arm of the United Nations .

  9. 总部位于弗吉尼亚州的航空安全促进组织飞行安全基金会(FlightSafetyFoundation)总裁沃斯(WilliamVoss)说,这就像是来到一所房子里必须重新安装水电一样。

    ' This is like going into the house and having to redo the plumbing and electrical , 'said William Voss , president of the Flight Safety Foundation , a Virginia-based group that promotes aviation safety .

  10. 1995,中国民航的运输飞行安全年&访CAAC航空安全办公室副主任班永宽

    1995 , the Year of Airline Safety in China & Visiting Mr Ban , an official of Aviation Safety Office in CAAC

  11. 行业组织机场咨询委员会(AirportConsultantsCouncil)主席、航空安全专家T·J·舒尔茨(T.J.Schulz)表示,美国国内发生空中恐怖主义的风险极低。

    T.J. Schulz , the president of the trade association Airport Consultants Council and an aviation security expert , said that the risk of air terrorism domestically is extremely low .

  12. 飞行环境监视系统(AESS)是航空安全的重要保障,通过对飞机周围环境的监测,提前探测危险区域发出告警,从而避免飞行事故。

    Aircraft Environment Surveillance System ( AESS ) plays an important role in the flight safety .

  13. 本文借鉴人工智能领域的最新研究成果,将Bayes网络方法引入到航空安全分析中,实现了对复杂民航维修系统安全问题的分析。

    The research results in the field of artificial intelligence , such as Bayes network , are applied to safety analysis of civil aviation . Safety analysis of the complex civil aviation engineering maintenance system is realized .

  14. 美国机场的混乱局面昨日进入第三天。美国最高运输监管部门呼吁修改航空安全检查制度,称航空公司与其监管者联邦航空局(FAA)之间存在过度合作关系。

    Chaos gripped US airports for a third straight day yesterday as the government 's top transportation watchdog called for changes to airline safety oversight , citing an overly collaborative relationship between airlines and their regulator , the Federal Aviation Administration .

  15. 欧洲航空安全组织(eurocontrol)预计,亚菲亚德拉冰盖火山的灰云团漂移出法国、瑞士和意大利部分地区后,昨天在欧洲领空可执行大约1.3万航班,不到预定数量的一半。

    Eurocontrol , the air safety organisation , expected about 13000 flights , just under half of scheduled traffic , to go ahead in European airspace yesterday after the cloud of ash from the Eyjafjallaj kull volcano shifted from parts of France , Switzerland and Italy .

  16. 基于工业设计思想的航空安全实验假人的研究

    Research of Aviation Test Dummies Based on Theory of Industry Design

  17. 关联分析在航空安全报告挖掘中的应用研究

    Research on Association Analysis and Its Application in Aviation Safety Reports

  18. 在文中较为详细的阐述了航空安全法规。

    In this paper expounds in detail the aviation safety regulations .

  19. 基于组织因素的航空安全评价与分析

    Assessment and analysis of aviation safety based on the organization factors

  20. 坚持科学发展观促进航空安全文化建设

    Hold Scientific Development View to Improve Aviation Safety Culture Construction

  21. 航空安全和精神病学:航空医学的犯罪精神病学问题

    Aviation security and psychiatry : criminal-psychiatrical aspects of aerospace medicine

  22. 加强机场禁区管理确保航空安全

    Strengthen Control of Airport Forbidden Zone to Ensure Aviation Safety

  23. 航空安全专家说,伊朗陈旧的飞机维修不善。

    Airline safety experts say iran 's aging planes are poorly maintained .

  24. 如今,中国却作为全球航空安全领域的表率而备受称赞。

    Today , China is an acclaimed global leader in air safety .

  25. 航空安全在过去10年中已在有改善。

    Airline safety has come a long way in the past decade .

  26. 官员们担心污染威胁航空安全。

    Officials fretted the pollution was a menace to aviation .

  27. 提高航空安全的增强视觉设备&谈增强视景系统和合成视景系统的发展

    Development of Enhanced Vision System and Synthetic Vision System

  28. 航空安全风险管理模式探讨

    Discussion on the aviation safety risk management mode based on the problem management

  29. 航空安全自愿报告系统经验分享

    Administration experience of sino confidential aviation safety reporting system

  30. 而气象信息的准确性关系到航空安全。

    The veracity of the weather information is connected with the aviation safety .