
  • astronaut;cosmonaut;taikonaut;spaceman
  1. 卫尔斯理的校友中包括两位国务卿,一位开创新时代的弦理论物理学家,一位NASA航天员,还有韩国的首位女性大使。

    Its alums have become two secretaries of state ; a groundbreaking string theorist ; a NASA astronaut ; and Korea 's first female ambassador .

  2. 特朗普一直在努力争取头等名人在代表大会上发表讲演,初步的讲演者阵容可谓兼收并蓄,包括他的妻子梅拉尼亚(Melania)、他的四个成年子女、一名女航天员,以及佛罗里达州的总检察长潘姆·邦迪(PamBondi)等人。

    Mr. Trump has struggled to attract many A-list celebrities to speak at the event , and the provisional lineup includes an eclectic variety of speakers including his wife , Melania ; his four adult children ; a female astronaut ; and Pam Bondi , the Florida attorney general .

  3. 航天员们在太空洗衣服吗?航天员中心航天员系统副总设计师刘伟波介绍:三位航天员在太空不洗衣服,他们穿的是一次性衣服。

    The three astronauts don 't do laundry in space and use disposable clothing instead .

  4. 核心舱有3个对接口和2个停泊口。对接口用于载人飞船、货运飞船等飞行器访问空间站,停泊口用于两个实验舱与核心舱连接,另有一个出舱口供航天员出舱活动。

    The module is equipped with three docking hatches reserved for visiting manned or cargo locations used to connect with space laboratories .

  5. 一转眼,三位航天员的太空出差之旅已经过半,他们的日常生活是什么样的呢?航天员们一直在锻炼身体,保持健康饮食,并定期进行身体检查,以减少微重力环境下生活产生的影响。

    The astronauts have been exercising , maintaining healthy diets and undergoing regular check-ups to reduce the effects of living in a microgravity environment .

  6. 每天锻炼身体在“天和”核心舱的锻炼区,三位航天员可以使用跑步机、健身车以及阻力带等健身设备来消耗热量,并进行力量训练。

    In Tianhe 's exercise area , the three astronauts can use a treadmill , spin bike and resistance bands to burn calories and practice strength training .

  7. 许多人认为航天员在太空唯一能看到的建筑就是长城。但是杨利伟在飞船内尝试了几次后,仍然看不到长城。

    After several attempts from his cabin , he could not see the Great Wall , which many believed was the only manmade structure on Earth that could be seen from space .

  8. 定期体检航天员系统副总设计师刘伟波介绍,检查柜里有十几件医疗设备,航天员们每四到五周进行定期体检,包括超声检查和全血细胞计数。

    Dozens of pieces of medical equipment are available in a checkup cabinet . The astronauts have regular physical checkups every four to five weeks , including ultrasound examinations and complete blood counts .

  9. 调查相关人员表示,神舟十二及后续三次飞行任务的航天员受邀对数百种特制食物进行品尝并打分。

    Sources with knowledge of the survey said that astronauts in the Shenzhou XII mission and crews for the next three spaceflights were invited to taste hundreds of specially prepared foods and beverages and then score them .

  10. 调查结果显示,大部分中国航天员喜欢吃辣味川菜,酸甜酱和辣酱中,辣酱通常是最先吃完的。

    According to the survey , most Chinese astronauts have a preference for Sichuan-style spicy food . In addition , compared with sweet-and-sour sauces , spicy sauces are always the first to be used up , the sources said .

  11. 核心舱的食物按周列入早餐、午餐及晚餐菜单,这些菜单是根据航天员出发之前的个人口味调查安排的。

    The food and beverages have been divided into weekly breakfast , lunch and supper menus , and the menus were made based on personal flavor preferences gathered through a survey before the astronauts set out on their mission .

  12. 在首次太空之旅过去18年后,杨利伟笑着说,他很羡慕现在的航天员有这么舒适的“太空之家”,这也展示出中国航天工程的巨大飞跃。

    Eighteen years after his first trip to space , Yang said with a smile that he " envied " a lot that his fellow spacemen who now have such comfortable space accomodations , which show how China 's space program has grown .

  13. 按照计划,今年9月,将发射天舟三号货运飞船,升空后与天和对接;10月,另外3名航天员将搭乘神舟十三号飞船抵达核心舱,并驻留6个月。

    Based on project plans , the Tianzhou 3 cargo ship will be launched in September to dock with Tianhe and the next month , another three-crew team will fly with the Shenzhou XIII to the module to stay there for six months .

  14. OpenGL在航天员舱外活动仿真中的应用

    Application of OpenGL in Simulation of Extra Vehicular Activity

  15. 航天英雄自主出舱载人航天圆满成功OpenGL在航天员舱外活动仿真中的应用

    China 's Manned Space Mission ' Complete Success ' Application of OpenGL in Simulation of Extra Vehicular Activity

  16. 利用Kane方法进行航天员舱外活动仿真

    Application of Kane 's Method in Simulating Extra Vehicular Activity

  17. 美国首位女航天员莱德(SallyRide)周一因胰腺癌去世,终年61岁。

    Sally Ride , the first American woman in space , died Monday . She was 61 years old and had been suffering from pancreatic cancer .

  18. 她是美国第一批接受NASA航天员培训的六名女性之一。同年接受培训的还有29名男性,这个班上的学员被称为35位新人(Thirty-FiveNewGuys)。

    She was among the first six women to be trained by NASA as astronauts , and along with the 29 men trained that year , the class was known as the ' Thirty-Five New Guys . '

  19. 周二,国有媒体《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)刊登了34岁的应急机动作战部队女飞行员刘洋的个人简介。不知道这是否代表最后的决定已经做出。刘洋是最有可能成为中国首名女航天员的两名候选人之一。

    On Tuesday , in what may or may not be a sign that the decision has been made , the state-run China Daily published a profile of 34-year-old fighter pilot Liu Yang , one of the two candidates tipped as the most likely to go where no Chinese woman has gone before .

  20. 将着服装人体简化为11刚体模型,参考Morison公式引入水动阻力,基于多体动力学软件ADAMS建立了航天员水下动力学模型。

    An eleven-segment model was developed using the multibody dynamics software ADAMS to study suited human motions underwater . The modified form of Morison 's equation was used to evaluate the hydrodynamic resistance .

  21. 阐述了舱外航天服在航天员出舱活动(EVA)过程中的作用、舱外航天服工效设计对保障航天员生命安全和EVA质量的意义,以及航天服设计必须考虑的各类因素。

    The function of extravehicular spacesuit in extravehicular activity ( EVA ), the means of extravehicular spacesuit work efficiency design to lifeguard for astronaut and EVA quality , and various factors considered in the design were presented in this paper .

  22. 幻想着能进入太空,却不知道怎么去?你不是一个人。美国航天局(NASA)发布了一则广告,招聘一位能执行火星任务的单程航天员。这个岗位吸引了一万多人前来应聘。

    Ever fancied going into space but not sure how to get there , well turns out thousands of others feel the same as over 10000 applied for a one way mission to Mars that was advertised by NASA .

  23. 其它经典笑话包括BBC在1965年有关“嗅觉电影”的新闻,以及2008年谷歌发出了申请成为航天员,前往火星基地生活的邀请。如果你连这个都相信,那你就无所不信了!

    Other classic jokes include the BBC 's 1965 news of " Smell-o-vision " and Google 's 2008 invitation for people to apply to be astronauts to live on the website 's new base on Mars . If you believe that , you 'll believe anything !

  24. 模拟失重时航天员心血管功能选拔方法的研究

    Method of Selection of Astronauts Cardiovascular Regulative Function under Simulated Weightlessness

  25. 使用最优控制方法,对航天员在任务操作时的姿态进行了优化。

    The posture of astronaut in performance is discussed and optimized .

  26. 载人航天中航天员医务监督对测控能力的需求

    Requirements of Tracking and Data Aquisition Network for Astronauts Medical Monitoring

  27. 航天员舱内活动地面模拟实验研究

    The Research on Astronaut Performance in Modules by Ground Simulated Experiment

  28. 微重力可致航天员在太空飞行过程中生理机能发生改变。

    Microgravity caused changes in physiological function of astronaut in spaceflight .

  29. 中国航天员医学选拔与鉴定的回顾分析

    Review and analysis of China astronauts ' medical selection and evaluation

  30. 航天员活动的计算机仿真中人体动力学模型

    Human dynamics model of astronaut action based on computer animation simulation