
  1. 鲍尔肯断层是地理分界线。

    The Balcones Fault is the geological dividing line .

  2. 作为重要的地理气候分界线,祁连山区在我国自然地理上占有非常重要的地位。

    As an important geographic and climatic dividing line , Qilian Mountain occupied a very important geographical position in China .

  3. 秦岭造山带横贯中国东部,是中国大陆南北地质、地球化学、地球物理以及自然地理的分界线,因此,一直受到国内外地质学者的极大关注。

    The Qinling orogenic belt is the division of geology , geochemistry , physical geography and geography between north China and south China , so it has become the focus of many geologists of the world .