
  • 网络local rains;orographical rain;Orographic precipitation;relief rain
  1. 从而使地形雨这一分量,可自大气环流、天气系统的降水量中分离出来。

    Thus the variable of orographic rain is separated from the provision about atmospheric weather system .

  2. 在台风登陆之后,除地形雨及中央雨区外,暴雨区多分布在切变线附近,尤其是第三切变线附近。

    After landing the patches of heavy rain in typhoon , besides orographic and central area rain , scatter along the shear lines , particularly along the third shear line .

  3. 阐述了在弧状山体有水汽输入的流域或地区,通过地形参数、探空资料及其有关气象因子,来估算地形雨的方法和步骤。

    He method and process for evaluated orographic rain based on orographic parameter , sounding data and meteorological factor in the catchment where there are moisture charge around insolated hills are described .