
dì zhì bó wù ɡuǎn
  • geological museum
  1. 中国地质博物馆抗震鉴定与加固设计

    Seismic Appraiser and Retrofitting Design for The Geological Museum of China

  2. 中国地质博物馆现状及其在地质事业中的作用评述

    Present status of Chinese Geological Museum and its role in geological cause

  3. 中南大学数字地质博物馆坚持以人为本的方针,利用WebGIS技术实现了真正意义上地质资源的网络共享,为社会大众提供了一个很好的网络平台。

    Insisting in the value of people-first , using Web GIS , Digital geology museum of Central South University should realize the real share for the geology resources , and provide a well network terrace for social people .

  4. 穿越地质博物馆的成昆铁路

    Cheng-Kun Railway line cross the " geological repository "

  5. 承德矿样品存放在中国地质博物馆。

    The type material has been deposited at the Geological Museum of China .

  6. 新型数字地质博物馆数字博物馆的可用性研究

    Studying the Usability of Digital Museum FIGURE

  7. 他漫步穿过海德公园,天知道为什么,最后走进了地质博物馆。

    He wandered across Hyde Park and ended up , heaven knows why , in the geological museum .

  8. 目前,中南大学地质博物馆主要是以陈列方式为主,数字化程度不高。

    So , Central South University should own it 's digital geology museum that owning the school special features .

  9. 地质博物馆拥有大量宝贵的地质资源,数字地质博物馆实现了这些资源的网络共享,大大提高了资源的利用效率。

    Geology museum own precious geology resources . These resources are exchanged on the net by digital museum can consumedly increase their using efficiency .

  10. 北京大学地质数字博物馆系统

    Geological Digital Museum System of Peking University

  11. 浅谈地质公园博物馆建设&以南充嘉陵江地质博物馆公园为例

    Simple Explanation of Construction of Geopark Museum & By the Example of the Jialing River Meander Geopark in Nanchong , Sichuan

  12. 北京大学地质系及地质博物馆;

    Department of Geology , University of California ;

  13. 地质标本信息数字化与数字地质博物馆建设的宏观思考

    A Discussion on the Digitization of Geological Specimen Information and Digital Geological Museum Construction

  14. 其因复杂的水文地质条件,被地质专家堪称为地质博物馆,尤其是隧道岩溶涌水。

    It is called " the geological museum " by the geological expert because of complicated hydrology geological condition , especially the karst water in the tunnel .

  15. 四周群山、峡谷间,隐匿丰富的地质遗迹,地质专家们承认这是一个“天然的地质博物馆”。

    Abundant geological vestige resources are hidden in mountains and canyons here , hence the name " Natural Geology Museum " by professional geologists .

  16. 沿线地形复杂,地势险峻,而且由于历次构造运动的强烈影响,地质情况非常复杂,致使沿线大部分地区存在崩塌落石、滑坡、泥石流等各种不良地质现象,被称作地质博物馆。

    Hence the terrain along this railway is complicated and rugged . Along with the influences of repeated tectonic movements , the geology is very complex , resulting in various hazardous geologic phenomena such as rock fall , landslide and debris flow .