
  • 网络Horst
地垒 [dì lěi]
  • [horst] 两条断裂带之间的岩层如果高于两侧的岩层,这高出的部分叫地垒

  1. 二维高阻地垒上大地电磁测深曲线的研究

    A study on the magnetotelluric sounding curve from the 2D horst of high resistivity

  2. 文西地垒带油气藏成藏特征

    Reservoir Characteristic of Wenxi Horst Zone

  3. 用地下水化学动力学方法计算出的水文地质参数来定量评价水文地质条件&以太原三给地垒及周围地区为例

    Hydrogeological conditions evaluation using parameters from chemical kinetic of groundwater

  4. 湖盆可划分为3个地垒和3个次级断陷盆地。

    The Lake basin can be divided into 3 horsts and 3 second-order fault basins .

  5. 本文讨论了网格设计的原则,并就地垒模型进行了计算。

    In this paper , we describe the principle of designing mesh and experiment on horst model .

  6. 盆地结构一般呈地堑一地垒式或半地堑一半地垒式,边缘受正断层(生长断层)控制。

    Controlled by normal faults ( growth faults ), they assume the general character of graben-horst or semigraben-semihorst .

  7. 浅层断裂系统主要形成于燕山早期,发育正断层,一般形成地堑、地垒。

    Shallow fault system developed mainly from early Yanshan movement , forming normal fault and graben and horst .

  8. 文西地垒带油气富集程度高而文西顺向屋脊带油气富集程度低。

    Oil and gas enrichment de-gree is high in Wenxi horst and low in Wenxi consequent roofing area .

  9. 建立了3种层序模式:地垒带层序地层学模式、断阶带层序地层学模式和地堑带层序模式。

    Founded three bed succession types : horst zone , fault zone of fracture stratigraphic forms and graben zone sequence .

  10. 将弹塑性剪切梁模型用于分析存在地垒断层的采场顶板初次来压和周期来压,当最大等效剪力达到断层剪切极限值时,断层错动,释放能量,发生矿震。

    When the maximum equivalent shear reaches the shear limit of faults , faults slip , release energy and occurs mine tremor .

  11. 初期主要发育地堑、地垒式构造样式,为纯剪切应变的产物。

    At the first stage , the main structure pattern was graben and horst which usually represented the strain pattern of pure-shear deformation .

  12. 横向变换带的构造样式为横向地垒状凸起和鼻状凸起或鼻状背斜,并具伸展性质的正断层。

    The structural style of transverse transfer zones is characterized by horst shaped highs and nose shaped highs or anticlines with transverse extensional faults .

  13. 裂陷期的同沉积断裂组成了多种复合的构造样式:西部斜坡带主要发育断阶、地堑和地垒构造;

    Faults developed in synrift phases formed several structural styles : the fault terraces , grabens and horsts were generated in the western slope belt ;

  14. 在被称为南极地垒的山脉附近,沿线2000英里范围内已有多处找到了煤,尽管多数质量很差。

    Coal much of it of poor quality has been found at many points along the2,000 mile mountain system known as the Great Antarctica Horst .

  15. 在断层控制的边缘及地垒区鲕滩发育,呈北西向展布,为油气有利勘探区。

    Oolitic shoals distributed in NW direction are well developed along fringes and in horsts controlled by faults and are favorable for gas and oil exploration .

  16. 深化勘探对象,主要为断下逆遮、地层-断层复合、地层-地垒背斜复合、地垒背斜和溶蚀岩性等圈闭。

    The targets of further exploration are mainly underfault overthrust , strata fault compound , strata host anticlinal compound , host anticlinal ane solution lithologic traps .

  17. 西湖凹陷黄岩区的地质演化大致可以分为四个阶段:古新世-始新世伸展阶段,基底断层控制了地垒式断块构造发育;

    Geological evolution of Huangyan area can be divided into four stages : Extension stage from Paleocene to Eocene , basement fault controlled the fault block activation ;

  18. 结果表明黄骅坳陷的古近系可视为发育在沧东断层上盘的地堑&地垒构造系统。

    The result shows that the whole Paleogene strata of the Huanghua Depression can be regarded as a graben-horst structure system in the upper wall of Cangdong fault .

  19. 我喜欢去想那些像被风吹得鼓起来的旗帜一样逆流而上的鱼群;我还喜欢去想那些在河床上一点点地垒起一座座圆顶土堆的水甲虫。

    I like to think of the fish balanced against the stream like flags blown out ; and of water-beetles slowly raiding domes of mud upon the bed of the river .

  20. 因此油源断层下盘河道砂是主要的富集区域,油源断层控制的‘地垒’更有利于油富集。

    Wherefore , the footwall channel sand of the oil sources fault are the main enrichment regional , and the horst which controlled by the oil sources fault is favorite to accumulate .

  21. 北段石炭系残厚稳定区,气藏皆为构造圈闭,并与区域构造一致,以地垒背斜圈闭为主;

    In the stable area of Carboniferous residual thickness at the northern sector , the gas pools are all tectonic traps which are dominated by host anticlinal traps and consistent with regional tectonics .

  22. 用了几天的苦工,我盖起一座庙宇。这庙里没有门窗,墙壁是用层石厚厚地垒起的。

    With days of hard travail I raised a temple . It had no doors or windows , its walls were thickly built with massive stones . a top ( as for a bottle ) .

  23. 楔块运动形成了断陷盆地,也就是说,地堑、地垒是楔块运动的产物;最终,试图通过对楔块运动模式的研究揭示地壳凹陷与地震带的成因问题。

    Finally , the authors , through the study on the patterns of wedge block movements , try to reveal the tentative solutions to the problem of crust cave-in as well as the cause of earthquake zones .

  24. 其构造组合在平面上具有内带外带前陆带明显的分带性,且形成了逆冲推覆构造平行走滑构造地垒地堑构造的构造序列。

    Horizontally the structural combination is displayed with obvious zoning of inner zone , off zone and fore zone , in addition forming structural sequence of the thrust nappe structure , parallel glide structure , horst-crabon structure .

  25. 通过构造解析划分出了顺层韧性剪切带、阿尔卑斯式褶皱、侏罗山式褶皱、过渡性剪切带、逆冲推覆构造及地垒-地堑式构造等组合类型。

    According to the structural analysis , these have been divided into several composed types such as bedding ductile shear zone , Alpinotype folds , Mt Jura_type folds , transition shear zone , obduction nappe structure and horst_graben structure .

  26. 根据这些凹陷的沉积发育特征及凹陷的内部结构特点,将它们划分为4种结构类型:单断断槽式,单断断超式,双断地堑式,双断地垒式。

    These depressions are classified into four types of single fault with trough , single fault with onlap , double fault with graben and double fault with horst based on their sedimentary , characteristics and inner structural feature of depressions .

  27. 在不同构造层次形成了变形特征有别的构造,中浅层伸展构造的基本要素是断陷盆地边界主断裂,基本结构单元是半地堑和半地垒,横向上呈多米诺型垒-堑构造。

    The key element of tensional structure at moderate to shallow burial is the major fault at the margin of fault-depression basin , and the essential component half-graben and half-horst , these structures appear as Domino-type horst-graben on side view .

  28. 早期伸展断层控制了同期的构造和沉积特征,形成一系列复式地垒和地堑的结构,在斜坡带见滑动变形、碎屑流等构造现象。

    The early extensional fault controlled the structure systems , forming a series of compound structures of horst and graben and sedimentary facies in which many early sedimentary characters on slope , such as glide deformation and clastic flow can be seen .

  29. 南昆仑造山带西段发育逆冲推覆构造、平行走滑构造、地垒&地堑构造和阿尔卑斯式褶皱、侏罗山式褶皱,前两类构造尚有韧性剪切带伴生;

    Lied at the western section of south Kunlun orogenic zone , there developed with the thrust nappe structure , parallel glide structure , horst-crabon structure , Alpine-type folds and Jurassic folds , the former two sorts of structures still have been accompanied by ductile shearing belts ;

  30. 通过对长江坳陷中的反转构造研究,认为在长江坳陷中与反转构造相关的背斜构造、推覆构造、地垒构造对油气的存储具有很重要的意义。

    In terms of study on inversion tectonics of Changjiang depression , East China sea basin , it is suggested in this paper that the anticlines , nappes and lifted blocks related to inversion tectonics in Changjiang depression are of important significance for oil and gas trap formation .