
  • 网络mantle convection
  1. 根据Wagner大地水准面资料得出了地幔对流模式,结果表明亚欧大陆正处在四面受压的力学对抗环境中。

    The patterns of the mantle convection derived from Wagner 's geoidal surface show that our continent is pressed in all directions .

  2. 本文分析了魏格纳等求得的重力位球谐系数,得出n≤11阶系数与大尺度地幔对流相关,而12≤n≤25阶系数反映小尺度地幔对流;

    In this paper the geopotential harmonic coeffients derived from satellite tracking by Wagner are studied and divided into two parts : one with n ≤ 11 , correlated with large-scale mantle convection ; the other with 12 ≤ n ≤ 25 , correlated with small-scale convection .

  3. 地幔对流研究的意义、现状与展望

    Study of mantle convection : significance , current status and trends

  4. 利用地震层析成像数据计算地幔对流新模型的探讨

    A new mantle convection model constrained by seismic tomography data

  5. 地幔对流、地球自转速度变化与板块运动

    Mantle convection , variation of earth 's rotational rate and plate movement

  6. 地幔对流的数值实验研究

    Numerical experiment studies of convection in the earth 's mantle

  7. 海洋和大陆岩石圈下的混合地幔对流模型

    The Parameterized Mixed Mantle Convection Models of Continent and Ocean

  8. 地幔对流诱发的莫霍面起伏与下地壳塑性流动

    Undulation of Moho and Ductile Flow of Lower Crust Induced by Mantle Flow

  9. 地幔对流对全球岩石圈应力产生与分布的作用

    Effects of mantle flow on generation and distribution of global lithospheric stress field

  10. 地幔对流及其对地壳表层拉张盆地的影响

    Mantle convection and its impact on the extending basins

  11. 全球变粘度地幔对流与地表板块运动

    Variable Viscosity Whole Mantle Convection and Surface Plate Motions

  12. 地幔对流的数值模拟及其与表面观测结果的关系

    The numerical modelling of the mantel convection and its relation to surface observations

  13. 可以调和证据矛盾的新地幔对流模型

    New mantle convection model may reconcile conflicting evidence

  14. 海沟后退对地幔对流的影响

    The influence of trench retrogradation on mantle convection

  15. 利用多种地球物理观测资料直接反演地幔对流模型

    Mantle convection model constrained on several geophysical data

  16. 小尺度地幔对流与海底地形抬升

    Small-Scale Sub-Lithospheric Convection and Flattening of Seafloor Topography

  17. 小尺度地幔对流、壳下应力场与华北地震

    Small-scale mantle convection , SUBCRUSTAL stress field and seismicity in the North China region

  18. 地幔对流与岩石层板块的相互耦合及影响&(Ⅰ)球腔中的自由热对流

    Coupling between mantle circulation and lithospheric plates ──(ⅰ) thermal free convection in a spherical shell

  19. 数值实验是地幔对流研究的基本方法。

    Numerical experiment is a basic method in the study of Earth 's mantle convection .

  20. 三维地震波速结构约束下的变黏度地幔对流及其动力学意义

    3-D lateral variable viscosity mantle convection constrained by seismic wave velocity and its geodynamic implications

  21. 地震层析成像与地幔对流研究

    Researching into Seismic Tomography and Mantle Convection

  22. 卫星重力场、地幔对流应力场与板块运动关系的探讨

    A study on the relation between satellite gravity anomalies mantle convection stress and modern plates movement

  23. 地幔对流与深部物质运移研究的新进展

    Advancements in the study of mantle convection and the material movements in the deep Earth interior

  24. 地幔对流的一个新模型

    A new model of mantle convection

  25. 数据结果显示,在常粘性模型中,小尺度地幔对流可造成海底地形抬升;

    The results show that the SSC can cause the topography flattening only in constant viscosity model ;

  26. 粘度为常数或仅随深度变化是地幔对流模型中常用的假设。

    In mantle convection models , the mantle viscosity is generally assumed constant or dependent on depth .

  27. 至今还没有完整理论阐明板块运动的驱动力和地幔对流机制。

    No comprehensive theory accounts satisfactorily for the driven force of plate motion and mechanism of mantle convection .

  28. 地震学、地球动力学研究倾向于全地幔对流模型;地球化学研究则支持分层地幔对流。

    Seismological and geodynamical evidences supported whole mantle convection model , while geochemical ones supported layered convection model .

  29. 另一方面,地幔对流对岩石层底部的拖曳作用将直接影响该区域岩石层形变运动。

    In another hand , mantle convection process may directly influence the surface deformation movement of the region .

  30. 模拟实验是当前地幔对流研究中的一个重要手段,一个重要组成部分。

    Modeling experiment is an important method and the component part in the study of Earth 's mantle convection .