- 网络Lithospheric Plates

The existence and movement of large lithospheric plates seems well established .
Divergence ( stretching ) type , related to the crustal cracking , 2.convergence ( compressional ) type , related to the collision of lithospheric plates ;
At long wavelengths where the plate is deflected by surface and subsurface loads which are compensated by the flexure model .
Studies of the feature of the coherence between gravity and topography suggest that at short wavelengths ( 6.6-100 km ) for each data box that is used to estimate T e , the plate is strong enough to support topographic loads and gravity and topography are uncorrelated ;
Early Paleozoic evolution of lithosphere plate , east junggar , Xinjiang
Earthquakes along Benioff zones are distributed in the descending lithosphere slabs .
Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of knowledge . outward-spreading lithospheric plate
Analogue modeling of lithospheric plate deformation : a review
The drawing - out tectonics : an important movement way of lithosphere plate
" I raised the stones , and found " & outward-spreading lithospheric plate
The Yangtze platform and the North China platform as of the same lithospheric plate
Plate subduction collision theory considers the subduction collision between lithosphere plates is the cause of ororgeny ;
Tectonic evolution of the lithosphere plates and some features of the sedimentary distribution in Cenozoic era in South China Sea
Based on the concept of lithosphere plate and latitudinal normal density hypothesis , concept of asthenosphere plate is put forward .
It is consistent with the results obtained from other data . The possible mechanism is lithosphere plate motion and mantle flow .
And finally , there may be compounding of structures of all sizes ranging from microscopic ones up to tectonic belts or even tectonic domains .
Yonder , in the square , I meant to sleep on a stone bench . Earthquakes along Benioff zones are distributed in the descending lithosphere slabs .
The evidence from seismic tomography indicates that the vortex tectonics is a consequence of the effect of upward mantle vortex on the base of lithospheric plate .
Based on the structural history , genetic mechanism , geometrical configuration and plate movement , the hydrocarbon bearing structures are classified into two types and six sub-types .
In its original version , in the early 1960 's , it described the creation and destruction of the ocean floor , but it did not specify rigid lithospheric plates .
The present study is focused on the depositional environment and the related tectonic setting of the black shales and interbedded K-bentonite layers , with an integrated approach of sedimentology , petrology and petro-geochemistry .
With the new achievements of modern geophysics and geochemistry , mechanism of earth hydrocarbon migration and accumulation with relation to the layer differentiation of the earth matter and the plate tectonics is elaborated .
Since amphibolites rocks constitute the major parts of the middle-lower crust , their rheological and mechanical behavior constrains the nature and state of latter , and therefore influences the evolution of continental plate .
The folding characteristics and tectonic evolution of Hecla Hoek sequence of wedel jarlsberg land , Spitsbergen tectonic evolution of the lithosphere plates and some features of the sedimentary distribution in Cenozoic era in South China Sea
Based on the fractal theory and the area data of the global continental massifs , both of the characteristic yardstick of the modern global continental massifs and their frequency have been analyzed and discussed in this paper .
In Cretaceous era , the radius increased and the rotation of the lithosphere plates became slower and drifted to the equator , as Europe and Asia plate drifted relatively to the south opposite to Pacific Ocean plate , forming an extending tectonic style .
The variation of regional stress field can be genetically interpreted by the rotation speed variation of the earth and its impact on the movement of lithosphere plate and deep processes of the earth , it is also related to the earlier structural feature and boundary of the basin .
Gravity anomalies , lithospheric structure and plate tectonic dynamics in the Himalayas and neighbouring areas
Notice first that there could be a substantial difference between lithosphere thickness and plate thickness .
Under the combination action of latitudinal drift force eastward , longitudinal divergent force away from the poles with oceanfloorspreading , they become independent relative movement units .