
  • 网络Andaman Islanders;Andaman Islands;andaman;The Andamans
  1. 缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。

    Moken tribesman in Myanmar 's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells .

  2. 照片展示了2004年海啸过后斯里兰卡的沿岸景象,此时的海水已经退却。这场海啸由袭击印度尼西亚和印度安达曼群岛的9级大地震引发。

    Pictured are waters retreating from the coast of Sri Lanka after the 2004 tsunami , which had been triggered by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake off Indonesia and the Indian Andaman Islands .

  3. 加洛瓦人是至今依然勉强生存在安达曼群岛上的四个古老黑人部落中的一个。

    The Jarawa are one of four ancient Negroid tribes barely surviving on the Andamans .

  4. 精油、印度安达曼群岛海盐、白兰花萃取及洋甘菊萃取物可以帮助肌肤去除杂质与柔软紧绷的肌肉恢复活力。

    Essential oil , Andaman sea salts , white orchid and chamomile extracts help draw out impurities , soothe and revive tense muscles .

  5. 受影响的邦为安德拉邦、安达曼和尼科巴群岛、泰米尔纳德、卡纳塔克、马哈拉施特拉邦、古吉拉特邦、中央邦、喀拉拉邦和德里邦。

    The affected states are Andhra Pradesh , Andaman & Nicobar Islands , Tamil Nadu , Karnataka , Maharashtra , Gujarat , Madhya Pradesh , Kerala and Delhi .