
  • 网络Lake Ontario;ontario lake;ONTARIO,CA
  1. 在南极洲的其他地方,俄罗斯研究员吹嘘他们钻透数英里坚冰后,发现了像安大略湖大小的淡水储量。

    Elsewhere in Antarctica , Russian researchers boast of their recent discovery of a freshwater reserve the size of Lake Ontario after drilling through miles of solid ice .

  2. 我们的第一段航程是飞越近65公里的安大略湖。

    Our first leg meant crossing almost 65 kilometres of Lake Ontario .

  3. TMZ网站曾报道,比伯从他2.25亿美元资产中豪掷500万美元购置安大略湖一所四室宅邸,这所宅子拥有私人马术设施、养马场以及5/8英里长的跑道。

    TMZ reported that Bieber dropped $ 5M of his $ 225M fortune on a four-bedroom Ontario mansion featuring a private equestrian facility with stables and a 5 / 8 mile race track .

  4. Pardee推测湖中曾经荡漾着2500立方公里的湖水,相当于安大略湖和伊利湖的总和。

    Pardee estimated that the lake once held as much as 2 , 500 cubic kilometres of water , the equivalent of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie combined .

  5. 但云南的森林距离安大略湖路途遥远。

    The forests of Yunnan are an awful long way from Ontario .

  6. 从俄勒冈州的阿斯托里亚到安大略湖的约克镇。

    From Astoria , Oregon , to Yorktown , Ontario .

  7. 与其他湖相比,安大略湖最迷人。

    Ontario is more elusive compared with the other lakes .

  8. 重要河流:苏必利尔湖,密歇根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖和安大略湖。

    Important Lakes : Superior , Michigan , Huron , Erie , Ontario .

  9. 他是安大略湖的一个退休计算机企业主。

    He 's a retired computer entrepreneur from ontario .

  10. 尼亚加拉大瀑布位于安大略湖的那一部分。

    A part of Niagara Falls in Ontario .

  11. 这不像是回到了安大略湖,怎么会?

    It 's not like we 're back in Ontario , how 's that ?

  12. 2008年丹尼尔格兰计划去抢劫一个位于美国安大略湖温莎的便利店。

    In2008 Daniel Glen planned to rob a convenience store in Windsor , Ontario , USA.

  13. 位于安大略湖滑铁卢的这家公司声称,他们拥有全球400多万名客户。

    The company in Waterloo , Ontario , says it has more than four million users worldwide .

  14. 加拿大首都,位于跨越发源于魁北克省的渥太华河的安大略湖的东南。

    The capital of Canada ( located in southeastern Ontario across the Ottawa river from Quebec ) .

  15. 这家商店也没有自己的车,而且去安大略湖也没有公共交通可供选择。

    The store also owns no vehicles and public transport to the lake is not an option .

  16. 根据在安大略湖、拿大空心地球调查社会,它们仍在那里。

    According to the Hollow Earth Research Society in Ontario , Canada , they are still there .

  17. 一条从伊利湖流入安大略湖的河流;形成安大略和纽约的分界线。

    A river flowing from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario ; forms boundary between Ontario and New York .

  18. 生活在加拿大安大略湖的凯蒂去年10月才开始她的艺术化妆生涯。

    Katie , who lives in Ontario in Canada , only started working as a make-up artist in October last year .

  19. 在队伍末的外面,来自安大略湖汉密尔顿家族的露卡和安德路`卜西甚至排到了门那了。

    Outside at the head of the line , Luca and Andre Bucci of Hamilton , Ontario are almost to the door .

  20. 南极洲冰川之下有很深的淡水湖,东方湖是最大的,像安大略湖一样大。

    Antarctica has deep fresh water lakes beneath the ice , with Lake Vostok the largest , as large as Lake Ontario .

  21. 来自伊利湖的湖水由于冰堡的流失而奔向地处北方的安大略湖。

    Water from Lake Erie began to flow north to Lake Ontario as a result of the loss of the ice barrier .

  22. 瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上,河流沿途将美加两国分开,然后从伊利湖注入安大略湖。

    The falls are on the Niagara River , which flows between the United States and Canada from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario .

  23. 其中许多来自挪威,还有一些来自安大略湖,密歇根的一些人们也对这个壮观景象一饱眼福。

    We 're getting a lot of them out of Norway , also some from Ontario , also some people in Michigan getting great views of them .

  24. 秋天为孵卵所而采集的鱼卵将会在冬天得到孵化,第二年春天五十万左右的鱼苗将会被释放回到安大略湖。

    Eggs collected for the hatchery this fall will be raised over the winter and a half million fingerlings will be released back into Lake Ontario next spring .

  25. 何谓五大湖素壁利亚湖,密西根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖,安大略湖。

    What are the names of the Great Lakes Lake superior , Lake michigan , Lake huron , Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the five great lakes .

  26. 钓鱼者每年在湖上度过超过一百万天,按估计每年安大略湖钓鱼业的商业价值超过一亿四千万。

    Anglers spend over a million fishing days on the lake annually , and the estimated value of the Lake Ontario fishery is in excess of $ 140 million annually .

  27. 如果你忽略此地充满液态碳氢化合物这一点,就会发现“安大略湖”和地球上的纳米比亚的埃托河盐沼有着惊人的相似性。

    If you get past the fact that it is filled with liquid hydrocarbons , Ontario Lacus bears an eerie resemblance to a place back on Earth - Namibia 's Etosha Salt Pan .

  28. 雌性激素是避孕药品和激素治疗法的有效成分之一。2001年,研究人员引进了微量的雌激素于安大略湖的一家淡水湖研究基地内。

    In 2001 , a small amount of estrogen , one of the active ingredients in birth control pills and hormone therapy treatments , was introduced into a freshwater lake research facility in Ontario .

  29. 美国独立战争期间,一艘英国22炮战舰沉船。(人们)都认为它也已经成了五大湖地区“圣杯”失事船只中的一艘。人们在安大略湖湖底发现了它。

    A22-gun British warship that sank during the American Revolution and has long been regarded as one of the " Holy Grail " shipwrecks in the Great Lakes has been discovered at the bottom of Lake Ontario .

  30. 莫恩住在安大略湖的圭尔夫市,她说在决定做这次手术前,她已经考虑了很久。她坚信她前世是个仙女。

    Moon , who lives in Guelph , Ontario , said the decision to change her elf , er , herself , was a long time coming . She believes she was a fairy in a previous existence .