
  • 网络LAKE ERIE;Erie Lake;Lake Eerie;Lake Eric
  1. 俄亥俄州的伊利湖学院发放2000美金的马术奖学金。

    Lake Erie College in Ohio awards $ 2000 equestrian scholarships .

  2. 克利夫兰官员回应称,他们那里的水可以安全饮用,因为他们的水源来自伊利湖的东部盆地。NPR新闻,卡比尔·巴提亚报道。

    In response , Cleveland officials say the water there is safe to drink , since it comes from Lake Erie 's eastern basin.For NPR news , I 'm Kabir Bahtia .

  3. Pardee推测湖中曾经荡漾着2500立方公里的湖水,相当于安大略湖和伊利湖的总和。

    Pardee estimated that the lake once held as much as 2 , 500 cubic kilometres of water , the equivalent of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie combined .

  4. 在那个时代,有定期来往于伊利湖的大型客轮。

    In that era vast passenger steamships plied Lake Erie .

  5. 重要河流:苏必利尔湖,密歇根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖和安大略湖。

    Important Lakes : Superior , Michigan , Huron , Erie , Ontario .

  6. 伊利湖可用于船舶运输货物。

    Ships used the lake for transporting goods .

  7. 一条老运河,它把位于奥尔巴尼的哈得逊河和位于布法罗的伊利湖连结了起来。

    A former canal connecting the Hudson river at Albany with Lake Erie at Buffalo .

  8. 这就是桐山孝太郎在伊利湖胜出的技法。

    This is how Kota caught many of his bass in his Lake Erie win .

  9. 它是:747客机,足球场,发现号航空飞机还是伊利湖(北美五大湖之一)?

    Is it 747 airliner , football field , space shuttle Discovery or Lake Erie ?

  10. 是747客机,足球场,发现号航天飞机还是伊利湖?

    Is it 747 airliner , football field , spaces shuttle Discovery or Lake Erie ?

  11. 为了留下他们的到达痕迹,克林顿州长向哈德逊河倒入了来自伊利湖的湖水。

    To mark the arrival , Governor Clinton dropped some water from Lake Erie into the Hudson River .

  12. 一条从伊利湖流入安大略湖的河流;形成安大略和纽约的分界线。

    A river flowing from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario ; forms boundary between Ontario and New York .

  13. 自1900年起,美国从地下蓄水层抽的水足够填满两个伊利湖。

    Since 1900 , the U.S. has pulled enough water from underground aquifers to fill two Lake Eries .

  14. 在那儿,她看了一个关于废旧电池中的化学物品如何危害伊利湖的展览。

    There , she saw an exhibit about how chemicals in old batteries harm the water of Lake Erie .

  15. 相对规模较小的伊利湖,其越来越多的污染藻类的大量繁殖显而易见,呈现出红色和黄色。

    In considerably smaller Lake Erie , more and more contaminating algae blooms are apparent - appearing red and yellow .

  16. 来自伊利湖的湖水由于冰堡的流失而奔向地处北方的安大略湖。

    Water from Lake Erie began to flow north to Lake Ontario as a result of the loss of the ice barrier .

  17. 瀑布位于尼亚加拉河上,河流沿途将美加两国分开,然后从伊利湖注入安大略湖。

    The falls are on the Niagara River , which flows between the United States and Canada from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario .

  18. 赤潮现象在伊利湖非常常见,该湖距离克利夫兰市以西约1小时的路程,为托莱多市大部分地区供应水源。

    Algal blooms are fairly common on Lake Erie which supplies most of the water for Toledo , an hour west of Cleveland .

  19. 周末时伊利湖爆发藻类污染,造成托莱多市约40万人受到了影响。

    The city of some 400000 people was put in place over the weekend due to an algae-induced toxin contamination in Lake Erie .

  20. 尼亚加拉地区,坐落于加拿大安大略省南部,北美五大湖之间(安大略湖和伊利湖之间)。气候温和,宜于居住。

    Located in southern Ontario and having one of the mildest climates in Canada , the Niagara region is a wonderful place to live .

  21. 俄亥俄州西北部以及密歇根东南部的居民都无法正常饮用自来水,而生活用水中的毒素是由当地水源伊利湖水藻泛滥引起的。

    People in northwestern Ohio and southeastern Michigan were told to avoid drinking tap water because of toxins contaminating the lake possibly from algae .

  22. 由于伊利湖的藻类含有高毒素,俄亥俄州托莱多市仍有50万民众没有饮用水。

    About a half million people in Toledo , Ohio are still without drinking water due to high toxin levels from algae on Lake Erie .

  23. 太阳光从很远的地方弯折向伊利湖,折射使五十英里以外的加拿大海岸线也呈现在人们眼前。

    The light from the sun had bent so far down over Lake Erie that the refraction made the Canadian shoreline visible from more than fifty miles away .

  24. 何谓五大湖素壁利亚湖,密西根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖,安大略湖。

    What are the names of the Great Lakes Lake superior , Lake michigan , Lake huron , Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the five great lakes .

  25. 布法罗紧邻伊利湖。当冷空气通过温暖的湖面会产生湖泊效应,吸收湖面湿气后为伊利湖东部或者南部带来降雪。

    Buffalo is located on Lake Erie.It often sees lake effect snow when cold air passes over warmer water , picks up moisture from the lake and dumps snow on Erie 's east or south of the lake .

  26. 【注2】文森特诉伊利湖运输公司案是一个极好的判决,因为法院仔细调查了真正的肇因,此案中显然是船猛撞了船坞。

    [ 2 ] Vincent v.Lake Erie Transport was a superb decision , for there the court was careful to investigate the causal agent at work & in this case , the boat , which clearly slammed against the dock .

  27. 伊利运河始自伊利湖的布法罗市,结束于哈德逊河的奥尔巴尼市和特洛伊市,横跨整个纽约州。

    The Erie Canal crossed the state of New York from the city of Buffalo on Lake Erie to Albany and Troy on the Hudson River .