
  • 网络ito hirobumi
  1. 哈尔滨是伊藤博文被暗杀的地方。

    Harbin is where the attempted assassination of LTO Hirobumi took place .

  2. 1885年的今天,日本武士伊藤博文成为日本的第一任首相。

    1885-Ito Hirobumi , a samurai , became the first Prime Minister of Japan .

  3. 李鸿章与伊藤博文经过外交谈判,签订了《中日天津条约》,解决了两国争端。

    Through Li Hongzhang 's diplomatic negotiations with Ito Hirobum the Sino-Japan Tianjin Treaty was signed , and thus the dispute between the two countries was settled .