
  • 网络Kenzaburo Oe;Oe Kenzaburo
  1. 大江健三郎是日本存在主义文学的代表作家。

    Kenzaburo Oe is a representative writer of Japanese existentialism literature .

  2. 想象力论:大江健三郎的小说方法

    Imagination , Kenzaburo Oe 's Theory of Novel Writing

  3. 存在主义的不同阐释者:海明威与大江健三郎

    Different Exponent of Existentialism : E.Hemingway and Kenzaburo Oe

  4. 第二部分对大江健三郎的生活及其文学生涯作简单地回顾。

    The second section reviews Kenzaburo Oe 's life and literature career simply .

  5. 鲁迅与大江健三郎:两个不屈的灵魂守望者

    LuXun And Kenzaburo Oe : Two Unyielding Soul Towerman

  6. 大江健三郎是1994年荣获诺贝尔文学奖的日本作家。

    Oekensaburo is the Japanese writer who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in1994 .

  7. 大江健三郎是第二位荣膺诺贝尔文学奖的日本作家。

    Kenzaburo Oe is the second winner of the Nobel Literature Prize in Japan .

  8. 大江健三郎《性的人》:二重性中的迷惘探索

    An Exploration of the Dualities in Sex Human

  9. 论大江健三郎的创作意识

    Discuss Kenzaburo Oe 's Consciousness in Writing

  10. 关于想象力问题,大江健三郎在文艺理论和创作实践两个方面做出了积极的尝试。

    Kenzaburo Oe has made active attempt to use imagination both in theory and in practice .

  11. 大江健三郎与村上春树创作比较&以《个人的体验》和《海边的卡夫卡》为例

    Comparison between Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami & Taking Personal Experience and Seaside Kafka as Examples

  12. 但事实上,从《死者的奢华》开始,大江健三郎的小说已经流露出与萨特存在主义异质的东西。

    But actually , from the beginning , the novel already shows the differences from the Sartre 's Existentialism .

  13. 一般认为,在这近半个世纪的时间里,大江健三郎(1935&)的文学主题、作品风格都处于不断变化之中。

    Oe Kenzaburo is generally known as a writer whose themes and styles have been changing constantly over the half-century .

  14. 更重要的是,我们可以从中窥视到大江健三郎独特的生存方式。

    More importantly , the existing philosophy of Oe 's can also be seen through clarifying his connotation of " forest thought " .

  15. 大江健三郎是日本战后文学的代表,作品极具现代性和世界性。

    Ooekenzaburo , on the other hand , is the representative of the post-war literature in Japan and his works embody modernity and universality .

  16. 自从大江健三郎(1935~)1994年获得诺贝尔文学奖之后,他才逐渐进入了我国研究者的视野。

    Since OE Kenzaburo ( 1935 & ) won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1994 , he gradually into the vision of our researchers .

  17. 大江健三郎、深泽七郎等人作品的被封杀,证明了日本战后文学的脆弱。

    An example of the fragility of postwar Japanese literature is in the suppression of the works of Oe Kenzaburo , Fukasawa Shichiro and other writers .

  18. 日本当代著名作家大江健三郎是继川端康成之后日本第二位诺贝尔文学奖获得者,是日本战后文学的杰出代表。

    Ooekenzaburo is an outstanding representative of the post-war literature in Japan , who is also the second winner of Nobel Price for Literature after Kawabata Yasunari .

  19. 挂笔宣言:大江健三郎后期小说创作的新策略&兼论大江健三郎后期作品的风格形式

    Statement of " Finishing Novel Writing ": Oe Kenzaburo 's New Strategy in His Later Period of Writing & On Oe 's Stylistic Form in his Later Novels

  20. 大江健三郎是日本战后派“第三代新人”后最重要的作家,为1994年诺贝尔文学奖得主。

    Kensaburo Ohe , as the laureate of Nobel Prize for Literature in1994 , is the most important writer among Japanese post-war school after " the Third New Generation " .

  21. 日本诺贝尔文学奖获得者川端康成和大江健三郎以自己出色的文学创作向世界展示了“美丽的日本”与“暧昧的日本”。

    Kawabata Yasunari and Kenzaburo Oe , the winners of Nobel Prize for literature , show the beautiful Japan and the ambiguous Japan to the world with their remarkable literary works .

  22. 帮助大江健三郎获得诺贝尔文学奖的代表性作品,主要是《万延元年的足球队》、《个人的体验》等再生原型文本。

    Kensaburo Oe 's the main representative text of winning the Nobel Prize for Literature is the regenerative text as follows : The Football Team in Wan Yan 's the Fist Year and One 's Own Experience , etc.

  23. 大江健三郎把想象力作为文学创造的基本原理,在小说创作论的层面上,提出了语言-文体化、意象-分节化等问题,旨在于文学想象力的活性化;

    He takes the force of imagination as the principle of novel writing , and at the level of navel writing , he puts forward the issues of language stylization and image conversion to achieve the activation of literary imagination .

  24. 大江健三郎在文学创作活动中,是把小说和随笔视为文学生活中的车之两轮,他通过文学中两轮的随笔之轮对侵略战争进行总清算。

    Took the fictions and informal essays as " the two wheels of a truck in literature life " in his literature creation activities , and he made a general exposure and criticism of Invasion War in his informal essays .

  25. 第二段的创作为大江健三郎的探索期,可以将其视为大江为摸索新的启蒙话语而进行的尝试,本论在第二章后半及第三章前半中对此进行了探讨;

    The second stage is a period of exploration in which in which Oe Kenzaburo made attempts to discover a new discourse of enlightenment . This will be covered in the second half of Chapter Two and the first half of Chapter Three .

  26. 大江健三郎作为战后派作家,以其独特的艺术家手法,把对“性”领域的垦荒冒险和同存在主义思想的结合,揭示出了大江文学中“性”的政治性的本质特征。

    E Kenzabur ō, as the greatest novelist since World War II , by a unique technique of creation , combines the risks and explorations of " sex " domain with the thoughts of existentialism , revealing the political factors of " sex " in his literature .