
  • 网络natsume soseki;soseki natsume;natsume souseki
  1. 精神科医生吴秀三把夏目漱石诊断为早发性痴呆症的一种。

    Psychiatrist Kure Shuzou diagnosed Natsume Soseki as a kind of precocious dementia .

  2. “爱与死”是鲁迅的《野草》与夏目漱石的《十夜梦》的一个共同主题。

    Although Love and death is one of the common motifs in Wild Grass by Luxun and Ten-Night Dreams by Natsume Soseki , some differences still exit .

  3. 综观夏目漱石一生的创作,他塑造了不少女性形象。

    Natsume Sousaki has created many images of the female sex in his works .

  4. 另外,鲁迅与夏目漱石又都以一种近乎戏谑的方式来反对一种虚假的爱与死。

    In addition , both writers oppose the false love and death through a prank way .

  5. 从小说《门》看夏目漱石作品中近代知识人的内心孤独

    On the Inward Loneliness of Modern Intellectuals in Natsume Souseki 's Literature-Focus on his Work Door

  6. 对夏目漱石及作品的研究有助于我们更好地了解近代日本人的精神和思想,具有十分重要的意义。

    Therefore , researches of his works and himself have very important meaning for our understanding of modern Japanese spirit .

  7. 夏目漱石是日本近代文学史上一位具有深遽哲学思辨力和艺术表现力的杰出作家,是人类自由思想的代表。

    In modern Japanese writers , Natsume Souseki was an outstanding writer with deep philosophical speculations and rich artistic expressions , and a representative of liberal thinkers .

  8. 如上述,社会学、文学、心理学是夏目漱石一贯关心的三个领域。他的创作主题也可以相应归纳为文明批评、文艺观、心理探求三个方面。

    According to his focus on sociology , literature and psychology , his creative theme can be summed up as civilization criticism , literary and artistic view , and psychology quest .