
  1. 村上春树是日本当红的畅销书作家。

    Haruki Murakami is Japan 's best-selling author .

  2. 村上春树对F·S·菲茨杰拉德的接受

    On Haruki Murakami 's literary Reception To F · S · Fitzgerald

  3. 典学院(SwedishAcademy)将诺贝尔文学奖颁给了加拿大作家艾丽斯•芒罗(AliceMunro)。对于日本作家村上春树(HarukiMurakami)的书迷来说,这是个令人失望的时刻。

    It was a disappointing moment for fans of Haruki Murakami in Japan when the Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel prize for literature to Canadian author Alice Munro .

  4. 显而易见地,有很多日本记者在场,他们都希望能第一时间报道村上春树(HarukiMurakami)获得诺贝尔文学奖的消息。

    Notably , there were many Japanese reporters present , hoping to break the news that Haruki Murakami had won the prize .

  5. 此前人们普遍预期这位64岁的畅销作家将最终捧得诺贝尔奖。村上春树的《挪威的森林》(NorwegianWood)、《1Q84》等小说作品都深受好评,近年人们不断地认为他是可能的获奖人选。

    Expectations were high that the 64-year-old best-selling author of critically acclaimed novels like ' Norwegian Wood ' and ' 1Q84 ' would finally nail the Nobel after having his name floated as a likely candidate for the prestigious award in recent years .

  6. 她去墨西哥城做一次关于画家弗里达·卡洛(FridaKahlo)的演讲时,随身戴着村上春树的《奇鸟行状录》,她“本来盼着能吃到墨西哥菜,却发现酒店菜单上全是日本料理。”

    She takes Haruki Murakami 's " The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle " with her on a trip to Mexico City to give a speech about the painter Frida Kahlo and finds herself " looking forward to Mexican food , but the hotel menu was dominated by Japanese fare . "

  7. 村上春树:文化混杂现象的表现者

    Culture Haruki Murakami : A Representative of Cultural Hybridity Confounding Factor

  8. 她最喜欢的一本村上春树的书——忘在机场厕所里了。

    Her favorite Murakami book - left in an airport bathroom .

  9. 论村上春树小说传统性与后现代性的融合

    The Integration of Traditionalism and Post-modernism in Haruki Murakami 's Novels

  10. 村上春树是日本最具世界性影响的作家之一。

    Murakami Haruki is worldwide influence writer in Japan .

  11. 爱与死&论村上春树作品中的探求意识

    Love and Death : On Consciousness of Exploration in Haruki Murakami 's Works

  12. 村上春树作品中的都市青年形象研究

    The Study of the Character of Metropolis Youth in Haruki Murakami 's Fictions

  13. 村上春树《奇鸟行状录》萦绕于人心的影像

    A haunting vision of Haruki Murakami 's " The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle "

  14. 立博公司倾向于日本作家村上春树。

    Ladbrokes favours the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami .

  15. 理解村上春树的另一种方法&音乐

    Music & Another Way of Understanding Haruki Murakami

  16. 首张作品《树音》为村上春树的原声配乐。

    The first production is an interactive EP , a soundtrack of Haruki Murakami .

  17. 村上春树是当今日本文坛最具代表性的作家之一。

    Haruki Murakami is one of the most representative writers in modern Japanese literary world .

  18. 第二章为了说明作者的一贯创作风格,简要的介绍了村上春树其人及其作品。

    In the second chapter , it is introduced the author himself and his works briefly .

  19. 在我国,村上春树的作品进入大陆读者的视野已经整整20年。

    The works of Haruki Murakami have come into Chinese readers ′ vision for 20 years .

  20. 村上春树是至今依然活跃在文坛的日本当代小说家。

    Haruki Murakami is a contemporary Japanese novelist who is still active in the literary world .

  21. 大江健三郎与村上春树创作比较&以《个人的体验》和《海边的卡夫卡》为例

    Comparison between Kenzaburo Oe and Haruki Murakami & Taking Personal Experience and Seaside Kafka as Examples

  22. 村上春树(1949&)是日本当代文学的代表作家之一。

    Haruki Murakami ( 1949 - ) is one of the representative writers of contemporary Japan writers .

  23. 村上春树极有可能是当今世界最成功、最有影响力的偶像作家。

    Haruki Murakami is quite possibly the most successful and influential cult author in the world today .

  24. 在中国,读者主要通过翻译文本接触村上春树的文学作品。

    In china , the reader chiefly by translate text to contact with Haruki Murakami ' literature .

  25. 村上春树小说的女性解读&以青春三部曲为例

    A Feminist Reading of Haruki Murakami 's Novels : a case study of his trilogy of youth

  26. 《寻羊冒险记》的艺术开拓&村上春树小说论

    Artistic Innovation of The Adventures of Looking for Sheep : Criticism on Haruki Murakami 's Novel Art

  27. 这体现出村上春树对于面对存在主义空虚问题态度的转变。

    This reflects the change of Haruki Murakami in the face of the nothingness in an Existentialism viewpoint .

  28. 很久以前,当我还是一个小女孩的时候,读过村上春树的散文集《遥远的太鼓》。

    Long long ago , When I was a young girl , I read Haruki Murakami 's prose .

  29. 论文指出,村上春树在其作品中经常借鉴音乐的艺术手法来突出叙事文本的表现性。

    Thesis pointed out that Haruki Murakami usually borrows some artistic methods to highlight the performance of narrative text .

  30. 接着细致入微的从多角度分析了村上春树的作品中所无处不在闪现着的电影化想象的影子。

    Then , it is analyzed the cinematic imagination flashed in every part of the works from multiple perspectives .