
xià lìnɡ yínɡ
  • summer camp
夏令营 [xià lìng yíng]
  • [summer camp] 夏季开设的供集体人员短期休养、娱乐的营地

  1. 海德利村的夏令营。

    Summer camp in Hedley village .

  2. 夏令营除了开展平常的活动,比如航海和攀岩,还会开设一堂写作课。

    As well as the usual activities , such as sailing and climbing , there was a writing class in the summer camp .

  3. 这次夏令营是为8至14岁的少年儿童安排的。

    The camp is for youngsters aged 8 to 14 .

  4. 有些夏令营费用很高,比如三周的强化课程需要花费4500美元以上,但多数夏令营都提供奖学金。

    Some are pricey --- a three-week intensive program can cost $ 4,500 or more — but most offer scholarships .

  5. 还有许多大学附属夏令营都把目标放在培养优秀的数学学生上。

    There are also dozens of summer camps — many attached to universities — that aim to prepare elite math students .

  6. 学生们参加校外俱乐部、夏令营、在线论坛和课堂,以及大学“数学圈”等为比赛做准备。

    Students attend after-school clubs , summer camps , online forums and classes , and university-based " math circles " , to prepare for the competitions .

  7. 家庭夏令营项目面向有7岁孩子的家庭,可以让全家一起享受这种体验。

    Families can enjoy the experience together , too , with Family Camp programs for families with children as young as 7 .

  8. 凯文·艾林14岁。这是他过得第二个夏令营。

    Kevin Aeling is 14 . This is his second summer at the camp .

  9. 暑假期间,一些学生可能忙于旅游、夏令营和各种课程。

    During the summer holiday , some students might have been busy with traveling , summer camps and all kinds of courses .

  10. 2016年夏天,来自德国的55名师生来到中国参加夏令营,他们对中国传统文化很感兴趣。

    In the summer of 2016,55 students and teachers from Germany came to China and joined a joined a summer camp , they were interested in traditional Chinese culture .

  11. Ellen在新奥尔良的一个叫Jimmy俱乐部的夏令营度过了一个夏天

    Ellen spend her summer in a camp of New Orleans called the Jimmy club .

  12. 那个男子穿着一件waterloo夏令营体恤。

    This guy was wearing a camp Waterloo shirt .

  13. 就算他们有工作经验,也只不过是在夏令营当过顾问;或者卖过订阅的《周六晚邮报》(SaturdayEveningPost)。

    If he has any work experience at all it is as a counselor in a summer camp ; or maybe he has sold subscriptions to the Saturday evening post .

  14. 拉斯维加斯太阳夏令营基金会(LasVegasSunSummerCampFund)是一个慈善团体,专门资助青少年参加宿营活动。美国经济放缓令该基金会受到了极其严重的冲击。

    The Las Vegas Sun Summer Camp Fund , a charity that sponsors youths to attend camp , has been dealt an especially painful blow by the US economic downturn .

  15. 在接受NPR的采访中,菲利克斯则说,参加这种夏令营的最终目的并不是为了脱离现代社会。

    Felix says that life off the grid is not the end goal of the retreat .

  16. Varsity等公司举办各种比赛、夏令营和培训班。

    Companies such as Varsity organise competitions , summer camps and coaching sessions .

  17. 建议如下,在举行基金会支持的夏令营或者相关NGO支教活动时,志愿者走访一些获得教学物资的学校,抽样调查。

    Suggestion as followings : Volunteers of Summer Camp or voluntary activity by related NGOs could do sample survey by visiting schools receiving donations .

  18. 生活在加州大学校园,SantaCruz分校,有点像终年生活在夏令营。

    Living on campus at the University of California , Santa Cruz , is kind of like being at summer camp all year long .

  19. 但是这是我第一次参加4-H夏令营

    but I happened to have won this at my first 4-H summer camp

  20. 她的两个儿子,一个8岁,一个10岁,目前正在纽约的minerva地区参加一个为期7周的夏令营,叫做campbaco。

    Her two sons , aged eight and 10 , are attending camp BaCO , a seven-week camp in Minerva , New York .

  21. 当我在康涅狄格州一个YMCA夏令营做指导时我们给参加者来了一场才艺展示演出

    While working as a counselor at a YMCA camp in Connecticut we put on a talent show for the campers .

  22. 过去一年里,包机飞往夏令营营地的家庭也明显增多。私人飞机公司&蓝星航空公司(BlueStarJets)表示,与宿营旅游业务相关的利润增长了30%。

    The number of families chartering aircraft to fly to summer camps has also dramatically increased over the past year , with one private jet company , Blue Star Jets , reporting a 30 per cent rise in camp-travel related profits .

  23. 这次夏令营使得学生们有机会进行表演,或者学习音乐制作技能。BenLoPiccolo致力于学习成为音乐记者的技能。

    The camp gives students a chance to perform or to learn music production skills . Ben LoPiccolo worked on his skills as a music reporter .

  24. 我对NXT系统并不陌生,去年夏天,我在一个少年夏令营中教过一段时间的机器人技术。

    I am no stranger to the NXT system ; I spent some time last summer teaching robotics using NXT at a children 's camp .

  25. 渴望为中国大学生篮球后备人材CUBA选秀夏令营的发展提供一些依据和建议,为中学篮球业余训练工作拓宽思路、开阔眼界、提供有益的尝试和探索。

    The author just waste to provide some basis and suggestion of the development of the CUBA Summer Camp Selection . And also to make some useful attempt and exploring for the after hours Basketball training of the middle school .

  26. 托勒达诺和丈夫甘特尔特(KurtGantert)深思熟虑,在日常生活中想办法提醒孩子们,他们享受着多好的生活。甘特尔特是一位夏令营负责人,并负责在家带孩子。

    Ms. Toledano , and her husband Kurt Gantert , a camp director and stay-home dad , are deliberate about finding everyday ways to remind their kids how good they 've got it .

  27. 美国国务院要求一些雇佣需申请J-1签证的工人(包括酒店、高尔夫球场、夏令营等季节性员工)的企业减少对外籍工人的依赖。

    The State Department is asking some sponsors of the J-1 visa seasonal employers such as hotels , golf resorts and summer camps to reduce dependence on foreign labor .

  28. 并以中学生为使用对象,以《未成年人保护法》为学习内容,设计并开发了一款名为希望夏令营的教育游戏案例,详细阐述了基于EFM模型的教育游戏的实现情况。

    Besides , " Hope Summer ", for middle school students , with the content of " Law on Protection of Minors ", has been designed and development as a case to detail the production process of an educational game based on the EFM model .

  29. 上星期三,我飞到甘肃兰州,看看IREX在西北师范大学附属高中举办的“新闻在中国”夏令营中的一天是什么样的。

    On Wednesday , I flew over to Lanzhou , Gansu to see what a day at IREX 's " Journalism in China " summer camp held at Northwest Normal University High School is like .

  30. 他们把小孩们送到夏令营去度暑假。

    They shipped the kids off to camp for the summer .