
  • 网络HAWAII;Honolulu;Hawaii State;Hawai
  1. 美国有四个州禁止竖广告牌:阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州,夏威夷是最早推行广告牌禁令的。

    There are four states in the United States that have banned billboards : Alaska , Maine , Vermont , and Hawaii , where the ban was introduced the earliest .

  2. 美国的阿拉斯加州、缅因州、佛蒙特州和夏威夷州禁止竖广告牌

    Billboards3 Are Banned In Alaska , Maine , Vermont , And Hawaii

  3. 夏威夷州、俄勒冈州和华盛顿州已经实施了类似的禁令。

    Hawaii , Oregon and Washington state already impose similar bans .

  4. 一个人到美国夏威夷州去度假两周该花多少钱?

    How much is a two-week vacation in Hawaii worth to you ?

  5. 迈克尔·沃克是夏威夷州的消防护林员。

    Michael Walker is Hawaii 's state fire protection forester .

  6. 佛蒙特州、科罗伦多州、夏威夷州和康涅狄格州也加入了请求队伍中。

    Vermont , Colorado , Hawaii , and have joined in the request .

  7. 而你是夏威夷州的白痴之最。

    You 're the state idiot of hawaii .

  8. 夏威夷州已证实奥巴马1961年在该州出生。

    The State of Hawaii has confirmed Mr. Obama was born there in 1961 .

  9. 夏威夷州众议院通过了同性婚姻合法化的法案。

    Hawaii 's State House of Representatives have approved the bill legalizing same-sex marriage .

  10. 罗伯特真正的父亲,也就是那个“穷爸爸”是夏威夷州教育系统的总督学。

    Robert 's real dad was the superintendent of education for the state of Hawaii .

  11. 夏威夷州位于北回归线以南,属热带气候区。

    Hawaii in the south of the Tropic of Cancer , is a tropical climate zone .

  12. 长期担任夏威夷州的民主党参议员丹尼尔·井上昨天去世后,莱希通过选举上位。

    He was chosen to the Senate post after yesterday 's death of long-time Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii .

  13. 周三,北卡罗来纳州、夏威夷州、华盛顿州和乔治亚州的州长前往北京,商讨经济合作事宜。

    Leaders from North Carolina , Hawaii , Washington and Georgia met in Beijing on Wednesday to discuss economic cooperation .

  14. 看,我对我的团队说,即使夏威夷州通常都不会这样做。

    I said to my team , look , even though this is not usually what the state of Hawaii does .

  15. 夏威夷州参议员大卫·伊及于六个月前加入竞选州长的行列,在参议院选区之外,很少有人知道他。

    The state senator David Ige entered the race for governor six months ago , barely known beyond his senate district .

  16. 夏威夷州已商讨过电力的成本问题,电力成本目前已经达到最近的至高点,并且在未来的20年会继续上涨。

    The state negotiated a price when the cost of power was near its recent peak and locked it in for20 years .

  17. 如果他失败,他将成为夏威夷州历史上首位在任职一个任期后便被替换的州长。

    If he loses , he will be the first sitting governor in the state history to be ousted after one term .

  18. 他出生于一个教师家庭,父亲在夏威夷州教育部任职。

    He comes from a prominent family of educators . His father was the head of education for the State of Hawaii .

  19. 所属阿拉斯加州位于北美洲西北部,夏威夷州中太平洋的北部。

    The Alaska state belongs to the northwest department of North America , Hawaii state lies in the northern part of Pacific Ocean .

  20. 鱼罐头及木材是美国阿拉斯加州的主要产品,糖及凤梨罐头则是夏威夷州的主要产品。

    Canned fish and lumber are the chief manufactured products of the State of Alaska , and those of Hawaii are sugar and canned pineapples .

  21. 于是奥巴马总统要求夏威夷州免除通常执行的政策,允许公布出生证原件的复印件。

    So the president asked the state of Hawaii to waive its usual policy and allow copies of the original birth certificate to be made public .

  22. 毫无疑问,我为各位聚集在我的家乡夏威夷州出席这次会议感到特别高兴,这体现了我们这一地区各国人民之间的深切联系。

    And obviously I 'm particularly pleased that were meeting in my home state of Hawaii , which reflects the deep connections between the peoples of our region .

  23. 今天,帕特里克·莱希正式成为总统继承人,他在夏威夷州参议员丹尼尔·井上去世后继任参议院临时议长。

    Senator Patrick Leahy has formally assumed his position in the presidential line of succession today , becoming the Senate Pro Tempore after the death of Hawaii Senator Daniel Inouye .

  24. 杨桃,也称星果,原产于菲律宾,但现已遍布整个东南亚、东亚和南美洲、佛罗里达州和夏威夷州。

    Star fruit or carambola is a fruit tree native to the Philippines , but can be found throughout Southeast Asia , East Asia , South America , Florida and Hawaii .

  25. 在最近的一些研究和一些诸如德克萨斯和夏威夷州的实际经验中可知,人们会根据切确快速的后果基础上来改变自己的行为,而不是基于严厉的后果。

    The idea , based on research and recent experience in states such as Texas and Hawaii , is that people change behaviour in response to swift and certain consequences , not necessarily severe ones .

  26. 同时也可以提高在整个系统过程中的有效成本,太阳能工业的官方发言人称其可以避免那些夏威夷州早些年支付的额外费用。

    While the solar panels may prove cost-effective over the life of the system , the state is paying a premium in the early years that might have been avoided , solar industry officials said .

  27. 夏威夷州支付的太阳能的价格不仅仅高于传统用电,在今天的市场上,近乎是私人用户支付太阳能的价格的两倍。

    The rate the state pays for solar power is not only more than what it would pay for traditional electricity , it 's nearly twice what private consumers pay for solar energy in today 's market .

  28. 作为去年中国人最喜爱的国际旅游目的地,泰国、新西兰和新加坡的中国游客人数都出现了类似幅度的下降,美国夏威夷州的中国游客人数则下降了38.4%。

    Thailand , New Zealand and Singapore , which was the most popular international destination for Chinese last year , each reported similar declines , while the US state of Hawaii saw a 38.4 per cent drop .

  29. 夏威夷州与中国经贸、文化、旅游等领域联系日益密切,同中国地方省市的友好往来愈加活跃,在此举办国庆招待会适逢其时。

    As you all know , the State of Hawaii maintains an increasingly close tie with China in the field of economy and trade , culture and tourism , as well as the active exchanges with Chinese provinces and cities .

  30. 在加利福尼亚州、亚利桑那州及夏威夷州这些阳光充足的地区,太阳能发的电从住宅输出,进入将电流引向另一个方向的电力网,这种电流带来了出乎意料的电压波动,可能会使电路超载,烧毁电线,导致限制用电或停电。

    In solar-rich areas of California and Arizona , as well as in Hawaii , all that solar-generated electricity flowing out of houses and into a power grid designed to carry it in the other direction has caused unanticipated voltage fluctuations that can overload circuits , burn lines and lead to brownouts or blackouts .