
shù zì huà
  • digitalize;digitizing;digitization;quantization
数字化[shù zì huà]
  1. 从而实现了数字化光源驱动的智能控制,对大功率LED照明发展具有深远的意义。

    Accordingly the research has achieved intelligent control of digitalize lighting driver , simultaneously it has a great significance to development of high power LED lighting .

  2. 在计算机图形学、数字几何处理、CAD建模、数字娱乐等领域经常需要对通过三维扫描仪获得的模型进行数字化。

    In computer graphics , digital geometry processing , CAD modeling , digital entertainment and other fields , it always needs to digitalize the model that obtained from 3D scanner .

  3. 对照片进行扫描,实现其数字化。

    The picture is digitised by a scanner .

  4. 随着高校逐渐数字化,学生们在抱怨新一轮的财务冲击正在取代——或者有时是加入到——他们昂贵的教科书。

    As universities go digital , students are complaining of a new hit to their finances that 's replacing — and sometimes joining — expensive textbooks .

  5. 但是因为全部数字化,这就淘汰了旧书市场,消除了任何形式的共享。而且由于作业和考试是通过一个访问代码进行的,所以也消除了任何不参与其中的可能。

    But because it 's all digital it eliminates the used book market and eliminates any sharing and because homework and tests are through an access code , it eliminates any ability to opt out .

  6. 要抓住产业数字化、数字产业化赋予的机遇,加快5G网络、数据中心等新型基础设施建设,抓紧布局数字经济、生命健康、新材料等战略性新兴产业、未来产业。

    While seizing the opportunities of industrial digitization and digital industrialization , China also needs to expedite the construction of " new infrastructure4 " projects such as 5G networks and data centers , and deploy5 strategic emerging sectors6 and industries of the future including digital economy , life health services and new materials .

  7. 据说,在数字化的世界里,社交媒体已转变成口述信息的新平台。

    It is said that in a digital world , social media has become the new word of mouth .

  8. 意见提出,深入推进公共文化服务标准化和数字化建设、完善基层公共文化服务网络、创新拓展城乡公共文化空间。

    Jointly the primary-level networks that provide public cultural services and expand public cultural spaces in rural and urban areas .

  9. 我国正处于高速发展的信息数字化时代,这一学制已偏离轨道,并且对学生和家长而言都是一种负担。

    It 's a burden for both students and parents and is out of step with the fast-moving digital age .

  10. 证券时报网的一篇报道显示,中国邮政与华为就提高邮政的数字化进程展开合作。

    China Post and Huawei have partnered to work on advancing the digitalization of China Post , according to a report by Securities Times Online .

  11. 我们要主动应变、化危为机,深化结构性改革,以科技创新和数字化变革催生新的发展动能。

    All this opens new pathways for economic growth . We ought to adapt to change and turn crisis into opportunity . We may deepen structural .

  12. 爱德华和安妮下周将会共筑爱巢,谢徳水族馆将提供数字化展示,以供其他动物情侣观摩。

    Edward and Annie will begin building their nests next week , and Shedd Aquarium will be offering digital nesting coverage so that animal lovers can follow along .

  13. 技术的进步可能看起来不可阻挡,但所有数字化的东西在取代传统的睡前书-纸质书之前可能还有很长的路要走。

    The march of technology may seem unstoppable , but all digital things may have a way to go before they replace the traditional bedtime book — the paper one .

  14. 探讨了基于XML的数字化海事案例表示规范。

    The paper briefly discussed the XML-based maritime affairs cases representing normalization .

  15. 基于Internet建设数字化校园

    The Internet-based Construction of Digital Campus

  16. 数字化医用X射线机图像质量评价方法比较研究

    Comparative Study on Image Quality Evaluation Method of Medical Digital Radiography System

  17. FIR数字滤波器幅频特性的对象数字化方法

    Object digitization manner for amplitude frequency characteristic of FIR digital filter

  18. 在“第二人生”,即一个3D网络数字化世界中,一些玩家为他们的虚拟身份购买耀眼的时装。

    In Second Life , a3D online digital world , some players are buying high fashion for their avatars .

  19. 应用Blog实现数字化档案袋评价是切实可行的选择。

    It is the viable choice to use the e-learning portfolio evaluation by Blog .

  20. 传统的X射线检测图像未数字化,给后续的图像处理和缺陷特征计算机识别带来诸多不便。

    The traditional X-ray testing system are not digitalized , which cannot cater to thereafter image processing and computer identification .

  21. Web服务技术应用所具有的松耦合、可穿越防火墙等特点,正符合了数字化校园系统中的多子系统的信息集成与共享的需求;

    Web Services poses some technical advantages such as loose coupling and firewall-friendly , which meet the demand of Digital-Campus ' multi-subsystem for data integration and share .

  22. 她在去年从柏鲁克学院(BaruchCollege)毕业,并获得了数字化营销学位。

    She graduated from Baruch College in 2013 with a degree in digital marketing .

  23. 研究了基于ASP模式的三维数字化产品目录,重点研究了基于遗传算法的多供应商比较。

    We study 3D digital product catalog . We particularly study comparison of multi-suppliers based on genetic algorithm .

  24. 新型全数字化PCM同步解调器

    A New Kind of All Digital PCM Synchro-Decommutator

  25. 新型数字化可编程频率合成器DDS

    New Digitize Programmable Frequency Synthesizer DDS

  26. 目前,地图的扫描数字化已成为GIS领域中获取数据信息的主要手段之一;

    Currently , the map scan digital has become one of the main means which are used to obtain a data information in the GIS realm .

  27. PDP中的模拟视频数字化电路设计

    The Analog Video Processing Circuit Design for Plasma Dispaly

  28. 扫描数字化是GIS中快速获取地理数据的手段之一,其关键是对扫描图上的地图要素进行自动识别。

    Scanning digitalization is one of the ways of rapid data capture in GIS . The key problem is to recognize map features automatically in a scanned map .

  29. 数字化管理与MDC人力资源培训开发

    Digital management and MDC 's human resources training and development

  30. 激光数字化位移测量仪是基于光学三角测量原理、CCD光电转换技术及单片机原理开发设计出来的。

    Based on the principle of optical triangulation , CCD photoelectric conversion technique and principle of single chip microcomputer , the laser digital position detector is designed and made .