
shù jù yuán
  • data source
  1. 阐述了deepweb数据源聚类和分类方法。

    Refer to Deep Web data source clustering and classifying algorithm .

  2. 指定DB2作为数据源类型,单击Next。

    Specify DB2 as the data source type , and click Next .

  3. 利用广泛的数据源,与计算机模拟相结合,创建了一条海洋温度变化的时间线,包括火山爆发后的冷却和化石燃料排放后导致的升温。

    The extensive data sources , Combined with computer simulations , created a timeline of ocean temperature changes , including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warming from fossil fuel emissions .

  4. 基于查询接口特征的deepweb数据源自动分类

    Automatic Classification of Deep Web Sources Based on Search Interface Schemas

  5. 联系第三方Web服务以链接到其他数据源。

    Contact third party Web services in order to link in additional data sources .

  6. 要调用数据源窗口,选择顶级菜单Data>ShowDataSources。

    To invoke the data sources window , select the top-level menu Data > Show Data Sources .

  7. 基于多Agent的分布式异构数据源访问机制研究

    Study of distributed data-used mechanism based on multi-agent

  8. 注意:在本文中,术语datasource通常是指数据源。

    Note : In this article , the term data source is a general reference of a source of data .

  9. 请选择有效的xml文件创建辅助数据源。

    Please select a valid XML file to create the secondary data source .

  10. target属性表明服务器端数据源的目标URL。

    The target attribute indicates the target URL for the server-side data source .

  11. 串行数据源的设计及其FPGA的实现

    Design of the serial data source and its implementation with FPGA

  12. 单击OK启动32位数据源应用程序。

    Click OK to launch the32-bit data sources application .

  13. deepweb上各个数据源有很大的差异性,不同质量的数据源往往提供不同质量的数据。

    Deep Web data sources have great difference , and data sources with different qualities often provide data with different qualities .

  14. 异构数据源集成系统的作用是提供一个统一的查询手段和查询界面,支持对Web上异构的数据源的查询。

    The heterogeneous data integration system supporting the heterogeneous data sources on the Web provides a unified retrieval technique and query interface .

  15. 资源整合的目的就是为Web上分布的、自治的、异构的数据源提供统一的访问界面,并能回答那些需要从多个Web数据源抽取和合并数据的查询请求。

    The task of information resources integration system is to answer queries that require extracting and combining data from multiple information sources .

  16. 而系统报表的输出借助于REPORT技术实现,包括数据源设计和输出样式实现。

    The system report output employs REPORT technology , including the design of data sources and the implementation of output patterns .

  17. 完成该向导后,将为DataSources窗口中所选的每一个对象创建一个数据源节点。

    Once the wizard is completed , a data source node is created for each of the selected objects in the Data Sources window .

  18. SqlServer2000与异构数据源之间的传输转换技术

    Data translation between SQL Server 2000 and data sources with different structure

  19. FrameworkManager还允许通过定义连接和新列(用表达式)来增加数据源。

    Framework Manager also allows you to enrich data sources by defining connections and new columns ( with expressions ) .

  20. 基于BP神经网络的大型旋转机械故障诊断及其网络数据源的研究

    Research into fault diagnosis of large rotating machinery on BP network and the data source of network

  21. 这个客户机应用程序使用MDMServer作为主数据源。

    The client application in time uses MDM Server as the master data source .

  22. 因此,本文选择支持跨平台、开放性、可组合和屏蔽数据源异构的基WEBService的数据集成方案。

    Under the analysis , the paper puts forward a new open integration solution of supporting cross-platform and shielding heterogeneous data sources based on Web Service .

  23. 让所有这些分散和异构的数据源支持SOA不是一件小事情。

    SOA-enablement of all of those dispersed and heterogeneous data sources is not a trivial exercise .

  24. 这两个数据源可以通过Spring代理随意访问,插装这个代理的目的是监控获取连接的运行时间。

    The data sources can optionally be accessed through Spring proxies that are instrumented to monitor the elapsed time of acquiring connections .

  25. 使用IBMCognosBI包作为数据源

    Using IBM Cognos BI Packages as a Data Source

  26. NET中非连接环境下对数据源的操作。

    NET Framework , This text has introduced the operation of the data source under the environment of joining of ADO . NET .

  27. index将要求获得数据源(即一组数据行)并定义应当如何为已从数据源中提取出来的数据编目。

    An index requires a source ( that is , a set of rows ) and defines how the data extracted from the source should be cataloged .

  28. 载入是一次性事件,还是定期将新数据源更新推向Profiles?

    Is the load a one-time event , or are new source updates periodically pushed to Profiles ?

  29. 要检查DB2数据源,展开Resources部分,然后展开JDBC部分并单击Datasources链接。

    To check the DB2 data source , expand the Resources section , then the JDBC section and click the Data sources link .

  30. 针对此方法下所形成的异构数据源问题,给出了基于J2EE规范的数据访问对象抽象工厂解决方案。

    Finally , the data access and abstract factory solution based on the J2EE criterion is presented .