
  • 网络digital china
  1. 3S技术作为数字中国、数字城市建设的重要支撑技术,近年来得到了飞速发展。

    As an important support technology for construction of digital China and digital city , 3S technology ( RS , GPS and GIS ) has been developed rapidly in recent years .

  2. 随着数字中国、数字城市等概念的不断深入和相关应用的不断展开,GIS(GeographicInformationsystem,地理信息系统)和人们的生活变得越来越紧密,GIS的开发应用也越来越受到人们的重视。

    With the continuous deepening of the concept such as " Digital China ", " Digital City " and the steady expansion of related applications , GIS ( Geographic Information System ) has come closer to our daily life . People attach more importance to its development and application .

  3. 数字中国与西部大开发

    Digital China and the development of the Western China

  4. 面向数字中国建设中国的现代大地测量基准

    Towards Digital China the Modernization of Chinese Geodetic Datum

  5. 摄影测量与遥感技术在建立数字中国中的作用

    The function of photogrammetry and remote sensing in the establishment of Digital China

  6. 电子政务与数字中国地理空间基础框架

    Electronic Government Affairs and Digital China Geo-spatial Framework

  7. 地方志怎样在建立“数字中国”中起主导作用

    Local records : how to play a leading role in building " network china "

  8. 他是在福建省福州市举行的首届数字中国建设峰会上发表的上述言论。

    He made the remarks at the 1st Digital China Summit in Fuzhou , Fujian province .

  9. 数字中国、数字区域建设在我国得到极大关注并取得广泛共识。

    " Digital China " and " Digital Region " have been focus and got enhanced understanding in our country .

  10. 中国的互联网+战略为数字中国建设奠定了基础,促进了互联网创新,还带来了无数利好。

    The Chinese Internet Plus initiative lays the foundation for digital China construction , boosting Internet innovation and bringing untold benefits .

  11. 大会将设置10场小论坛,商讨如“互联网+”战略,数字中国和网络创新等问题。

    Ten sub-forums will be held during the conference on topics such as the " Internet Plus " strategy , digital China and Internet innovation .

  12. 为了建设“数字中国”,这些数字化领域的建设必须在国家统一的地理空间基础框架下进行。

    For constructing " Digital China ", all these works mentioned above in the digital area must be achieved under the national unified geospatial base frame .

  13. 当前,数字中国地理空间框架建设不断深入,网络化地理信息应用如雨后春笋,正深刻地影响着我国广大用户使用地理信息的方式与频率。

    The fast development of geo-spatial framework of digital China and increasing use of web-based applications has a significant influence on the behavior and frequency of geo-spatial information users .

  14. 数字中国地理空间框架作为国家空间信息基础设施的重要组成部分,是国民经济和社会信息化的基础支撑平台。

    As a key part of the national space information infrastructure , the geography space frame of Digital China is the basic supporting platform of national economy and social informatization .

  15. 国家基础地理信息系统1∶50000数据库是构建数字中国空间地理框架的重要组成部分,1∶50000地形数据库作为1∶50000数据库的重要数据内容,是数据内容复杂、建设难度最大的数据库。

    1 ∶ 50 000 topographic database is one of the most important databases in National Fundamental Geographic Information System , and it is also the database platform in National Spatial Data Infrastructure . It has substantial data contents and brings huge engineering work on database construction .

  16. 周一,部分经济学家修改了2009年GDP预测数字,中国的GDP增幅被降到不寻常的低点。

    On Monday , a number of economists revised their GDP forecasts for2009 downward to an unusually low level for China .

  17. 上周,根据中日两国的最新GDP统计数字,中国正式超过日本成为了世界第二大经济体。

    Last week one of the headline news was that China has officially overtaken Japan as the world 's second largest economy .

  18. 以上数字与中国官方媒体新华社(xinhua)上周六的报道一致。

    That figure was in line with a report on Saturday by the official Xinhua news agency .

  19. 美国有46家Zara零售店,而这个数字在中国和印度分别达到347和1938。

    There are 46 Zara stores in the U.S. , 347 in China , and 1,938 in Spain .

  20. 香港——尽管周三上午发布的数字暗示中国的经济增长正趋于稳定,但是,像欧成壁(OuChengbi,音译)这样的几百万中国商人,还没有看到多少迹象表明国家经济正在复苏。

    HONG KONG - Millions of Chinese businesspeople like Ou Chengbi are seeing scant signs of recovery in their country 's economy , even as data released Wednesday morning suggest growth is stabilizing .

  21. 探讨数字与中国文化的关系。

    Second , it discusses the relations between numerals and Chinese culture .

  22. 但是经合组织的数字与中国官方的统计数据迥异。

    But the OECD figure is quite different to the official Chinese figures .

  23. 贺铿:以数字诠释中国

    He Keng : Interpret China with Digit

  24. 而且这个数字在中国铁路事故中,补偿的已经是最大数目了。

    And this is a triple amount of the maximum of railroad accident compensation in China .

  25. 这个数字受到中国春节的干扰,今年的春节在1月份。

    The figure was skewed by the Lunar New Year holiday , which was celebrated in January .

  26. 每年头两个月的数字由于中国农历新年假期因素的影响,通常会有异常。

    Numbers in the first two months of the year are usually distorted by the Lunar New Year holiday .

  27. 根据以前的购买力平价统计数字,中国和印度的比例分别是14.8%和6.3%,而根据对2005年产出数据的最新统计结果,这组数字分别是9.7%和4.3%。

    Under the new figures , China 's share for2005 was reduced to9.7 % and India 's to4.3 % .

  28. 但是,三名经济学家表示,这些数字证实中国各银行实施了巨大规模的滚转操作,以避免面对违约。

    But three economists said the numbers confirmed Chinese banks implemented rollovers on a huge scale to stave off defaults .

  29. 然而,这个数字比中国网民总数还要多,后者的官方数据是6.49亿人。

    However , that figure is more than the total number of internet users in China , which the government puts at 649m .

  30. 中国的人民广播和世界的公共广播&数字时代中国公共频道的展望

    The People 's Broadcasting in China and the PSB in the World & the Future of the China 's Public Channels in a Digital Age