
  • 网络mathematics;Mathematical Concept
  1. 基于Web的数学概念知识问答系统研究

    Web-based Knowledge Q-A System for Mathematical Concepts

  2. 基于认知理论的数学概念性ID原理与方法

    The ID principle & method of mathematical concepts based on the cognitive theory

  3. 给出了基于Web的数学概念知识问答系统,研究了问答系统中查询语言的命名独立性及实现方法。

    One technology within the Web-based knowledge query system , query language independence , is introduced with details .

  4. 相对较新的大脑刺激技术经颅电刺激术(transcranialelectricalstimulation,简称tES)可能有助于人们学习数学概念,并提高他们对数学概念的理解。

    A relatively new brain-stimulation technique called transcranial electrical stimulation may help people learn and improve their understanding of math concepts .

  5. 本文研究的主要内容和结果:1.高层次数学概念的拓扑心理结构模式(TPS模式)。

    Primary contents and results in this thesis : 1 . Topology psychology structure of advanced mathematical concept ( TPS ) .

  6. 许多大学已将Maple作为教授数学概念的标准工具;该公司提供此软件的学生版和专业版。

    Many universities have standardized on Maple for teaching mathematical concepts ; the company offers student and professional versions of the software .

  7. 对进化上的稳定策略(ESS)的数学概念及三个最有代表性的模型:(1)对称型鹰-鸽博奕;

    The mathematical concepts of ESS and 3 of the most representative mathematical models are introduced : ( 1 ) Symmetrical Hawks doves game ;

  8. 将模糊数学概念引入AHP中构成模糊AHP,运用于企业职工绩效考核,可以提高绩效考核的科学性和可靠性,以利调动职工积极性、创造性。

    The paper introduces the fuzzy concept into AHP and thus fuzzy AHP comes into being . Fuzzy AHP can be used to evaluate employee 's performance and make the evaluation more scientific and reliable so as to enhance the initiative and creativity of employee .

  9. 本文在对传统教学观下的概念教学进行反思的基础上,探讨应用APOS理论指导高中数学概念教学。

    This article is mainly about the application of APOS theory to guide the mathematics concept teaching in high school , with a careful review of the concept teaching under the traditional teaching view .

  10. APOS理论是基于建构主义的学习理论,集中于对数学概念学习过程的研究,它指出数学概念的学习过程是建构的,并且表明建构具有顺序层次。

    APOS theory focused on mathematics concept learning process research , it points out that the learning of mathematical concept is the process of construction , and shows that the construction has the order .

  11. 对数学概念和方法不熟悉的人。

    A person who is unfamiliar with mathematical concepts and methods .

  12. 现代建构主义下的数学概念教学

    The Teaching of Mathematics Concepts under the Modern Idea of Construction

  13. 一些学生连最简单的数学概念都没掌握。

    Some students failed to grasp even the simplest mathematical concepts .

  14. 他相信他有明白而清楚的数学概念。

    He believed that he had distinct and clear mathematical ideas .

  15. 提出数学概念体系的特点。

    Some characteristics of the system of mathematical concepts are presented .

  16. 介绍了随机集理论的基本数学概念。

    The basic mathematics aspects of random-set theory are briefly reviewed .

  17. 帮助学生学会总结,获得结构性的数学概念。

    Help them learn to summarize and get constructive maths conception .

  18. 高中数困生数学概念认知障碍研究

    A Research on Cognition Obstacle of Mathematics Conception for Senior Difficult Students

  19. 学生学习数学概念的层次分析

    On the Step Analysis of Students Studying the Mathematical Concept

  20. 从横向上看,数学概念学习过程具有阶段性与过程性。

    Thinking horizontally , the process reflects stages and process .

  21. 从概念学习的认知分析看数学概念教学

    Discuss Mathematics Concept Teaching From Cognitive Analysis of Concept Learning

  22. 浅谈如何进行数学概念教学

    A Brief Discussion on how to Conduct the Teaching of Mathematics Concepts

  23. 谈高等数学概念中形式逻辑的体现

    On the embody of formal logic in Advanced math concept

  24. 数学概念在内涵与外延上的表征

    Characterizations of the Mathematical Concept in the Intension and Extent

  25. 形式化与直观化&试论数学概念思维的两个基本原则

    FORMALIZATION AND VISUALIZATION & Two Basic Principles for Conceptual Thinking in Mathematics

  26. 影响学生数学概念学习的因素分析

    Survey On Factors Affecting The Mathematics Concepts Learning Of Students

  27. 高等数学概念引例的设计与讲解

    The Design and Explanation of the Example of Concept of Higher Mathematics

  28. 高等数学概念教学浅淡

    A Superficial Review of The Conceptual Teaching of Advanced Maths

  29. 数学概念表征是数学教育心理学的重要研究对象。

    Representations of mathematics is an important object of psychology of mathematics education .

  30. 浅谈小学数学概念的教学

    Discussion on Teaching of Mathematical Concept in Primary School