
  • 网络politics;Political Philosophy;Public Reason
  1. 《古代中国思想与当代中国力量》(ancientchinesethought,modernchinesepower)一书的很大一部分,是阎学通及同事撰写的、关于古代中国思想家之国际政治哲学的论文。

    Much of ancient Chinese thought , modern Chinese power is taken up with essays by Yan and his colleagues on the international political philosophy of ancient Chinese thinkers .

  2. 朱迪思·巴特勒(JudithButler)是当今美国最著名的后结构主义哲学家之一,她在女性主义、酷儿理论、政治哲学以及伦理学等领域都作出了杰出的理论贡献。

    Judith Butler is one of the most famous post-structuralism philosophers in current American . She has contributed to the fields of feminism , queer theory , political philosophy , and ethics .

  3. 不同的教育公平观基于不同的政治哲学基础。

    Different education fairness views are based on different political philosophies .

  4. 其原因在于统治阶层保守的政治哲学。

    The reason is that the ruling class conservative political philosophy .

  5. 马克思政治哲学的价值诉求及其当代意义

    The Value Pursue of Marxist Political Philosophy and Its Modern Significance

  6. 普罗塔哥拉与柏拉图的政治哲学的阐释与比较

    Comparison and Interpretation of Philosophy of Politics Between Protagoras and Plato

  7. 全球化与政治哲学范畴的诠释

    Globalization and The New Interpretation of the Category of Political Philosophy

  8. 人性论是霍布斯政治哲学的基础。

    Human Nature is the base of Hobbes ' political philosophy .

  9. 现代性视野中的平等&一种政治哲学的分析

    The Equality in Modern Perspective & An Analysis of Political Philosophy

  10. 正义问题是政治哲学的一个主要问题。

    The justice problem is a subject matter of political philosophy .

  11. 对于这样理解的哲学,政治哲学是一个分支。

    Of philosophy thus understood , political philosophy is a branch .

  12. 在传统与现代之间&麦金太尔政治哲学研究

    Between tradition and modernity & Study of political philosophy of Macintyre

  13. 在《理想国》当中,柏拉图阐述了他的基本的政治哲学的立场。

    In Republic , Plato described his basic standpoint of political philosophy .

  14. 政治哲学思想史就是一部人类社会史。

    The history of political thought is the history of human society .

  15. 社会正义是政治哲学永恒关注的重要问题。

    Social justice is an eternal political and philosophic concern .

  16. 存在、自由与积极介入的政治哲学&萨特《辩证理性批判》解读

    Existence 、 Freedom and Political Philosophy of Getting Involved Actively

  17. 政治哲学的后现代视域:游牧政治学

    The Postmodern Horizon on the Political Philosophy : Nomad Politics

  18. 政治哲学视野下人的能力发展与社会公正

    The Human Capacity Development and Social Justice in the Political Philosophy View

  19. 柏拉图的国家主义正义论&《理想国》的政治哲学解读

    A political and philosophical analysis of Plato 's The Republic

  20. 杜威从其整个经验哲学的基础入手,确立了其政治哲学研究的主要方向。

    Dewey bases the orientation of his political philosophy on empirical philosophy .

  21. 宪法意义上宽容理念的早期萌芽&建立在古希腊政治哲学史上的考察

    The Infancy of the Idea of Tolerance in the Sense of Constitution

  22. 论柏拉图的政治哲学思想及其波普对它的批判

    Plato ′ s Political Philosophy and the Critique of Pope

  23. 正义观念是柏拉图政治哲学中统摄一切的原则。

    The concept of Justice is a dominant principle in Platonic political philosophy .

  24. 中国古代的价值律与政治哲学

    Axiological Rules and the Political Philosophy in Ancient China

  25. 政治哲学论域中的公民资格理论研究综述

    A summary of researches into citizenship theory in the field of political philosophy

  26. 结束语部分着重于评价其政治哲学的可运作性和现实性。

    The tag focus on evaluating his political philosophy 's operational and realistic .

  27. 论雷蒙·阿隆政治哲学的社会学分析方法

    The Sociological Analytic Approach of Aron 's Political Philosophy

  28. 他坚持历史理论与政治哲学的统一,认为历史的秩序就是秩序的历史,政治理论如果贯穿了某些原则的话,必须同时是一种历史理论。

    Theory of history is consistent with political philosophy .

  29. 女权主义对当代政治哲学视域中正义理论的批判

    Feminist Critique of Justice Theory in Contemporary Political Philosophy

  30. 它的思想基础来源于施特劳斯的政治哲学。

    The basis of its idea derives from political philosophy of Leo Strauss .