
  1. 政府性基金收入按规定专款专用。

    Revenue from government-controlled funds was used exclusively for its intended purposes .

  2. 新世纪评级称,当房地产行业繁荣时,广东省的政府性基金收入和支出均相应有所增长。

    In good times , a red-hot property market has boosted the provincial government 's income and enabled higher spending levels , the rating firm said .

  3. 该评级机构称,2013年,广东省商品房销售额增长40%,该省的政府性基金收入和支出分别同比增长62%和55%。

    In 2013 , when home sales were up 40 % , Guangdong 's government revenue surged 62 % over the previous year while spending climbed 55 % , the rating firm said .

  4. 新世纪评级称,广东省经济增长对房地产市场具有一定的依赖性,并表示,该省房地产市场和土地市场将对该省政府性基金收入将产生一定影响。

    ' Guangzhou 's economic growth has a definite reliance on the property market , ' the rating company said . ' Fluctuations in the property and land markets will affect government income . '